Example sentences of "[v-ing] so a " in BNC.

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1 you make an arrangement to have a game of tennis but the weather , you know i it 's snowing or it 's raining so a lot of them get rained off which is er quite sad .
2 It 's gettin' so a fella do n't know where he 's dippin' it .
3 It is as if by doing so a woman offers herself , ritually cleansed , to be entirely controlled by her husband .
4 Actually , Cole was n't proposing donations to aid agencies as the ‘ solution ’ to mass starvation any more than Stuart Weir and I were doing so a few years ago .
5 The more dedicated among them combed both the cultivated and wild places of the world in search of novelties and in doing so a good number of them lost their lives , in some cases in tragic circumstances .
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