Example sentences of "[v-ing] so [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was surprising that an industry generating so many millions of pounds was prepared to use little more than the manager 's sexual tastes as its yardstick of talent .
2 The American Ornithologists ' Union became active in 1883 , generating so much information that the government established a Division of Economic Ornithology and Mammology in 1886 under C. Hart Merriam ( 1855–1942 ) .
3 We fished for several hours without seeing so much as a fin .
4 He was seeing so much of Fergie he was almost one of the family
5 It 'll mean seeing so much less of him , and God knows I seem to see little enough already , but being an only boy I 've felt I must pack him off to boarding-school to get some men in his life and break the apron-strings .
6 ‘ I do n't like the thought of other chaps seeing so much of you , that 's all .
7 Seeing so much technology in use , the car was ‘ looked over ’ to see if we had a radar detector — we did n't .
8 He reaffirms his pleasure at once again seeing so many of his loyal friends .
9 It 's still hard for me to cope with seeing so many people everywhere . ’
10 Going to my first feminist conference in the late seventies : the thrill of seeing so many women together , and , even more so , seeing so many lesbians openly showing their affections for each other .
11 Going to my first feminist conference in the late seventies : the thrill of seeing so many women together , and , even more so , seeing so many lesbians openly showing their affections for each other .
12 You get used to seeing so many things , you become immune to what would normally be considered perversions .
13 After seeing so many beatifically smiling faces of Mao , Chou , and Hua , as well as many jolly workers engaged in various agricultural and industrial pursuits , it was quite a relief to enter a large room the walls of which were absolutely covered with vitriolic cartoons against the gang of four .
14 I it were ca , it was , it was raining so much you see ?
15 But I did n't look , I did n't stop , it was raining so bad Thursday morning and windy that I I went to the market , I cut straight through and went up and Di went to get the paper then he went .
16 And with so many publishers completing so many courses in 1993 , it will be very interesting to see what is published for whom next year , and whether it is the market or the applied linguist who call the shots .
17 Almost as though she knew that Matey was thinking about her , McAllister looked up and said , ‘ I would never have thought that I would enjoy knitting so much , and the ladies ’ sewing circle , too . ’
18 I mean the the green man was flashing so all lights were on red .
19 That night , as she waited for the band to strike up her opening music , Rory felt none of the usual tingle of anticipation which made the whole business of singing so pleasurable .
20 She rocked the baby in her arms , refusing to put her down for a minute , and she sang snatches of lullabies she remembered her mother singing so many years ago .
21 Future generations are likely to deplore the way current societies are allowing so much of their heritage to be destroyed without record .
22 Jehan was used to the kind of council at which nearly everything was decided before the participants sat down to talk , and he wondered why Alexei was allowing so much disruption and argument .
23 It is just a shame we do n't treat our fellow human beings so well , rather than allowing so many to go hungry .
24 He apologises for phoning so late .
25 After enjoying so many years of unquestioning servility from David , it infuriated him to know that Beth did not feel threatened by him .
26 Jackson had nothing against women per se , but he was slightly unnerved after encountering so much brisk efficiency among the nursing staff of the District Hospital .
27 By drawing so many men into the services , the war may also have enabled the wages of labourers to keep in touch with prices , assisted by the local increase in demand from the construction of London docks .
28 Second will guarantee a UEFA place , and I think if Leeds can get out of the rut of drawing so many of their recent games they will attain this position .
29 Li-Cheng-i , a Presbyterian participant , described the exhibition as as ‘ breakthrough in bringing so many people together . ’
30 The trouble is , we 're bringing so much stuff in it 's just the amount of space !
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