Example sentences of "[v-ing] that to " in BNC.

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1 Ah , well I was explaining that to er the woman that cleans , you know that she told us we can wash ourself , you know .
2 Relating that to Labour 's ‘ unprecendented mass conversion ’ to moderation in Brighton last week , Mrs Thatcher said she did not believe her opponents now stood for home ownership , strong defence and financial rectitude .
3 Consumption increased sixfold between 1700 and 1743 , suggesting that to some degree traditional culture was being undermined by changes in the demand for and taste in leisure — a chosen indulgence on the part of the lower orders .
4 The city joined the Lombard leagues in 1167 and in 1185 , seeing that to its advantage .
5 Surely , for the sake of her unborn child , she could survive again , accepting that to Ace she would only be just another reasonably attractive girl ?
6 What er Newstat does though is something quite interesting he says well we all know , well I hope you all know , that there are limits on presidential power and we all know that the president ca n't direct congress , we know the president ca n't appoint anybody without consulting congress , we know the president ca n't control the supreme court , we know all these limitations but nevertheless , leaving that to one side , pushing that to one side , there are major powers here .
7 I had nice Tory ladies saying that to me in 1983 , and me vigorously nodding my agreement .
8 ‘ Yeah , well , ’ sighs a world-weary Mark , ‘ when we got to Number One in America it was pretty great and pretty terrible and basically you have to be pretty shit to get to Number One in America , we kept on saying that to everybody … ’
9 You are n't , um , merely saying that to , um , jolly us on ? ’
10 I was just saying that to Dad here this morning . ’
11 Just imagine him saying that to a reporter trying to dig up more dirt … trying to stir it up a bit .
12 But after I heard Dr Warner saying that to my mother about not having any sisters — ’
13 because because that is how I felt when he was actually saying that to me
14 And I think I 'm right in saying that to this very day , all American citizens officially take an oath of allegiance .
15 We keep saying that to Steve if he ca n't figure out something me and Marie look up and say get a fitter !
16 Are you saying that to yourself rope , hope ?
17 Saying that to him last night , go back upstairs in your cot
18 they 're saying that their fixing figures by not putting people on the waiting list so the waiting lists are shorter , because they 're putting , not , they 're saying that to people we ca n't treat you for about two years so I 'm not going to put you on the list at the moment , so they 're , cooking the books , that 's what they reckon
19 I have n't dreamed for years , and I was saying that to the girls , I had like , three nights of a really scary dream .
20 Thank you for saying that to us , yes , I would n't have actually picked it up .
21 Where will it end , ’ he cried out , ‘ where will it end ? ’ ( feeling the helplessness in his own depths , knowing that to the crowd it came as an incitement to great anger ) .
22 Admitting that to someone as detached and uninterested as the man standing in front of the fireplace was going to take all the courage she had …
23 You 'll have to keep washing that to er
24 Thousands of Tin Pan Alley tunes share this scheme and Adorno is quite justified in arguing that to listeners of the time it would be totally predictable .
25 Sir : Shabbir Akhtar ( 10 October ) himself makes what he might call a pardonable error in thinking that to liberals — genuine ones , not the compromisers so regretfully limned in John Torode 's article ( 3 October ) - freedom of speech is an absolute value .
26 There are good grounds for thinking that to a significant degree home and foreign capital markets were separate and gave rise to quite different levels of investment expectations .
27 Much more difficult for a woman because by the time a woman 's got into her forties , her child rearing erm career is usually rather short and even if she wants to continue , it becomes much more hazardous for her and for her offspring , so er in , in the case of erm modern societies with erm monogamy bu but divorce as we have , you ca n't help thinking that to some extent the , the odds are , are loaded in the favour of men as it were in terms of their reproductive success .
28 Leapor is here parting company with conventional love poetry , leaving that to others who have ‘ a softer Pen ’ ; Swift himself gives some space to describing wedding festivities , though the bitter revelation is expected shortly .
29 The full extent of his generosity to museums and galleries ( leaving that to individuals out of account ) is known only to those who have , or had , charge of them .
30 What er Newstat does though is something quite interesting he says well we all know , well I hope you all know , that there are limits on presidential power and we all know that the president ca n't direct congress , we know the president ca n't appoint anybody without consulting congress , we know the president ca n't control the supreme court , we know all these limitations but nevertheless , leaving that to one side , pushing that to one side , there are major powers here .
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