Example sentences of "[v-ing] i 've " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Are you suggesting I 've taken drugs ? ’
2 When young supporters chant ‘ We 'll be running round Pompey with our willies hanging out , singing I 've got a bigger one than you ’ , or some other scatological rhyme , slightly changed to fit the time and place , they are doing nothing new .
3 words that yo people are using I 've got now , so I do n't even think of it , it 's just there and I just talk normal that 's the idea really and if anybody asks you what you 're doing , then you tell them and it and you say , if you do n't wish to be on it , well
4 The most viable release binding I 've seen recently is this model from Swiss manufacturer Meyer .
5 but you know , walking I 've had to stop twice .
6 Yeah , but basically from , from that programme all , all the er , you can see all the resources were really being used all week and , but I had a problem when we came to do the bedrooms that er , you can there , we ran out of work for the decorators to do er removing this thing , once you 've removed and then I managed to squeeze in , but where the second decorator 's erm up to room twenty-three but rather than erm have just one gang than , and not , not using as many as the resources as we possibly could I let them gave the second gang a few rooms that they could actually squeeze in without interrupting I 've let them do up to room twenty-three and then and then basically the carpenting and they have to come in after everybody else has done what they Monday morning basically we just decided that we really needed more resources the earlier sequence of events to , to get so we were getting to so whether we 've been given
7 So look , what I 'm saying is I I 'm warning I 've warned you before do and it 's mainly concerned with those right .
8 It was the most technically complex piece of acting I 've ever had to do .
9 As I 've , I mean divisional guidelines forthrising costing I 've added to the related documents and I 'll produce those because they 're a divisional thing .
10 So for example when I 've given a pint of blood instead of giving it into a plastic bag with sodium citrate to stop it clotting I 've actually given into a plain glass bottle and when I asked what this for the erm transfusion nurse said that they 're going to let the red cells all clot together at the bottom and use the serum that was left for blood grouping purposes which of course is very important .
11 The moment it was clear where they were going I 've had a message back .
12 Oh , oh , well we 'd better go then , but we 'll come back next year because that was good I said no I 'm sorry you wo n't actually I 'm going I 've done my little bit for a while , no one else .
13 Cos like , Scott was going I 've never gave anyone one , you know .
14 Well I 'm going I 've got twenty five quid which I was n't expecting to get .
15 But that 's it , I 'm not buying I 've got a couple of boxes of chocolates we bought from Tescos did n't we ?
16 If things keep as they 're going now and she gets the services she 's getting I 've no grumbles , she 'll stop for a long while .
17 So I I just had n't allowed for it and er m my wife was saying I 've got some finishing off as well quite a students finishing off and erm my wife said , put an advert in the paper .
18 Erm saying I 've got this gambling problem , I do n't know whether how much it 's worth betting on this .
19 And David Evans , all white and stammering , do n't you tell me my father 's a bloody animal I 've got to kick out of the way , and G.P. saying I 've never hurt an animal in my life , you can always make out a case for hurting human beings , but human animals deserve every sympathy .
20 If I go to another dentist do you think it 's worth my while writing to D H S S , saying I 've paid forty five , forty pound ninety five pence , at that dentist and can I transfer the treatment to this other dentist
21 Oh it just gave us a nice thing saying I 've fixed your mouse , thank you very much .
22 Before I know what I 'm saying I 've promised I 'm not a criminal , that it 's a different kind of mission .
23 That trawl will bring out a couple of dozen schemes that have totally lapsed , and people will write snotty letters saying I 've told you this once before .
24 Here I am saying I 've
25 Saying I 've got a hairy chest .
26 Yeah having bits of things and then saying I 've had enough and then having something else you know ?
27 I might bring in a note tomorrow saying I 've got make an appointment
28 You 're free to you know the seventy five percent rather than saying I 've got thirty four or something like that .
29 I mean I get phone calls everyday all day long from VETS who are saying I 've got this prickly ball , what the hell do I do with it , you see , and I can explain to them how to try and unroll a hedgehog and then what to do when you get inside the hedgehog .
30 He 's very enthusiastic er superb on that I thought erm kept on asking I 've put here , you actually ended up with five names
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