Example sentences of "[v-ing] for more " in BNC.

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1 Made form high-performance polyurethane foam , it has one of the highest expansion capacities of any foam filler on the market : it will expand to 2½ times the volume of the product extruded , allowing for more and larger tasks to be undertaken .
2 These headings need a minimum fullness of twice the track length and calculations should be treated in the same way as for pinch pleat heading , but allowing for more pleats ( ‘ tubes ’ ) of a smaller size and closer spacing .
3 It will be hard , as only one in ten succeed in abstaining for more than a year .
4 With EDS funding due to end next year , ICL is lobbying the European Commission to extend financing for more software research until 1994. 50% of ICL 's EDS research budget came from the EC 's Esprit purse .
5 She gave a hoarse moan of resistance and desire , pushing at his broad shoulders as his strong hands pressed her hips closer to his body , and as she felt that mouth claiming hers with deeper passion , and felt the evidence of his hard excitement , she felt her body clamouring for more , her eyes closing and her mouth moving under his hungrily , little gasps of shocked desire coming from the back of her throat .
6 Their recent blockbusting Belfast 1991 production at the Group Theatre left everyone clamouring for more .
7 Mineral extraction and quarrying were the only other enterprises producing for more than immediate local demand , though practical considerations must generally have limited the distances stone could be transported .
8 She suggested they would do better if they only sat five exams and spent the rest of their time on work which could give them a much broader education than just swotting for more GCSEs .
9 See CORROSION-PROOFING & DESCALING for more details .
10 He was a raw young bull , itching for more action and glamour in his life .
11 The retailers Carpenter 's have been trading for more than a century .
12 It was also one of the main reasons for people returning for more training .
13 His hands swept boldly over her body , pushing aside her flimsy robe to scorch her trembling skin with his touch , and she pressed closer still , aching for more of the devastating fire .
14 Most of those pressing for more individuals in the stockmarket have an interest in doing so .
15 London East TEC is obviously not getting everything that it would like , and the hon. Member for Newham , North-East and I will be pressing for more spending to cure the ills of unemployment in our area .
16 Several of the Board 's leading civil servants had been pressing for more equality in provision .
17 West Yorkshire , having presided over a massive expansion of rail traffic in recent years , is pushing for more electrification in the wake of the successful completion of InterCity 's electrification to Leeds .
18 The women are pushing for more sponsorship and better coverage of their sport .
19 Athelstan studied him carefully , rather concerned , for by now Sir John would usually have been shouting for more claret or sack .
20 From traditional African to Jo'burg variety — work song ( gumboot ) , disco , jazz funk , hot gospel — and back again to a sensational African celebration which will leave you shouting for more .
21 Now — are you going on looking for more ? ’
22 We 're too busy looking for more truths . ’
23 It may well force you to go looking for more information about your potential audience .
24 If they were looking for more cancer then surely the place to look was at the next vulnerable point ?
25 Some reasons you may find apply in your case include : deciding on a career change ; looking for more responsibility ( both good , positive reasons ) ; coming to the end of seasonal or short-contract employment ; insufficient money ; wanting to work closer to home .
26 We 're looking for more features of this type and in return we 'll offer free ‘ expert ’ advice .
27 But the last thing a 12-string requires is a set of Velvet Brick humbuckers , and the kind of player who 'd want a 6-string like the Teardrop will probably be looking for more twang than thrang , and so the same applies .
28 Instead of looking for more acquisitions , he is focusing on greenfield development in the bathroom and houseware sectors .
29 There is reason to think they were also feeling the loss of their carriers that June at the battle of Midway , and were looking for more land bases for aircraft .
30 WITH HAIR styling excess no longer flavour of the month , the smart ‘ salons ’ are looking for more Nineties methods of lightening your pockets .
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