Example sentences of "[v-ing] it had " in BNC.

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1 Denying it had not stopped it from growing .
2 In 1929 the work of a cub reporter on a small town daily newspaper occupied his time from early morning until often late at night , seven days a week — in other words whenever something newsworthy was happening it had to be covered , and there were no limits to the time spent or the hours required to adequately cover any given assignment .
3 Mm , apparently the guy that was driving it had overalls on , so he may have been a mechanic delivering it to somewhere or test driving it over there
4 The problem of Sunday caddies was again aired but not to any effect , the committee believing it had to abide by the ‘ banning ’ decision made at the earlier bondholders meeting .
5 The body was thrown off on to the track and the investigators with the exception of Sherlock Holmes were deceived into believing it had fallen from a carriage .
6 Jezrael walked inside , scarcely believing it had all worked .
7 I closed my eyes , pretending it had really happened .
8 There was no use pretending it had n't happened : I had wished for a pure Pacific experience , a truly new world experience at the dawning of this day , yet it had become hopelessly muddied with a relic of the old world and the Ocean whose time , we are now supposed to believe , has passed .
9 With the evidence destroyed , there was some hope of pretending it had never existed .
10 Georgia left the State Council , whose Sept. 6 meeting it had attended as an observer , because of the Council 's refusal to discuss Georgian independence , by contrast with its official recognition of the Baltic states [ see p. 38419 ] .
11 Shortly before the February 1992 meeting it had been reported that OPEC production in January had been running at 24,200,000 barrels per day ( bpd ) , about 70,000 bpd above the level in December 1991 and the highest levels since the 25,000,000 bpd recorded in 1980 .
12 She had never seen her mother 's withered leg ; indeed , imagining it had fuelled some of the worst nightmares of her childhood , worse even than Afghanistan which was at least safely half a world anyway , not just down a corridor , released from its sheath of leather and metal , grotesque and awful .
13 The change was transient ; by three hours after training it had vanished .
14 going this far then the doctor put on it that going it had on it all that he hates which he takes it means either osteoarthritic
15 After 1954 , and however virtuously reassuring it had been to teach bright Battersea boys , it was impossible to ignore the influence of social class on educational achievement .
16 She could remember the incident quite clearly , although the circumstances surrounding it had vanished into oblivion , beyond recall of any form of analysis : it had been early afternoon , so clearly not a party incident — maybe they had had lunch together ? — and she had been anxious about picking up children from school .
17 Quorshi commented that companies would only do this when they were satisfied that both the PC product and the company selling it had the proper standing .
18 What was worse , wearing it had obliged him to fasten the top button of his shirt , an exercise which had drawn his attention to an extra half inch of fat his neck had gained since the last such occasion .
19 Hundreds of callers jammed the BBC switchboard for more than an hour , complaining it had not been made clear it was make believe .
20 After the revolution , it became clear that the Church was far from saved : the process of moving it had severely undermined the stability of its fabric .
21 The remedy could have been more appropriately applied if those prescribing it had offered us a clearer understanding of what a clause is and how far it may be similar to various other structures .
22 If they leave wishing it had gone on longer , you 've succeeded .
23 The house sighed , wishing it had not let him start .
24 The Keraing had told us that in the 1950s a military scouting party from Makassar had angered the village by entering the caves with special equipment and making off with a good deal of valuable porcelain — indicating it had also been used as a burial-chamber by early visiting Chinese mariners .
25 Mr Nathan lamented the fact that for 40 years Israel had been saying it had no one to talk to and now that the other side was prepared to talk , Israel refused .
26 In his conference speech Mr Fowler attacked Labour 's reviewed industrial relations policy , saying it had one aim : to make strikes easier .
27 I 'm not saying it had such a positive effect on his career but it caused a lot of attention which he did n't buckle under , and I do feel a lot of people could n't have lived through that experience , but he did .
28 She admired his courage in clouting the skinhead but he spoilt it by saying it had been instinctive and now he wished he had n't .
29 Astonishingly he defended his policy of imposing sky high 36.3 per cent rates , saying it had cut unauthorised loans by almost a third in a year .
30 E&Y vehemently denied the allegations , saying it had provided adequate warning of the plan 's collapse , and claiming that the suit was filed in order to deflect criticism away from the insurance commissioner .
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