Example sentences of "[v-ing] of the " in BNC.

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1 When the day for her departure arrived nobody could be heard for the weeping and wailing of the girls .
2 ‘ You can see if there 's any disease from browning of the plant and you can see how well they 've been dried — they must n't be crusty round the edges .
3 However , although the polenier event is associated with cooling of the ocean , it may not have had a very large impact on the carbon dioxide balance .
4 The apparent lack of much volcanic activity over much of Mercurian history probably results from cooling of the outer mantle , because a planet with a large surface area to mass ratio should cool rather rapidly to fairly low temperatures .
5 Whether this temperature rise was mainly due to the " greenhouse effect " was a moot point , although the fact that 1990 was one of the coldest years in the stratosphere tended to reinforce the likelihood of this being the case , since cooling of the stratosphere was seen as a consequence of the greenhouse effect .
6 Because of the large excess of solvent present , evaporation , and hence cooling of the solvent drop , is negligible .
7 He cites five such features of highly automated plants : the finely graded status structures of such organisations , arising from the more even balance than in other industries between skilled , semi-skilled , and unskilled workers ; the relatively smaller size of plants and work units ; the changed role of management ( with the work units taking over quality supervision and the machinery controlling the level of output , management is left with the job of providing advice rather than instructions ) ; there is blurring of the dividing line between manual and non-manual work ; and the greater prosperity and lower proportion of labour costs allows management to offer higher pay levels , a wide range of fringe benefits , and a high level of job security .
8 Because of blurring of the photographic image caused by focusing difficulties in some subjects , the number of subareas where counting was possible was less than the maximum of 60 .
9 Housman took " Diffugere nives " personally , we already know from anecdote — and perhaps might infer from the publishing history of his own Englishing of the poem .
10 Under these circumstances nicking of the DNA has been observed [ 35–37 ] .
11 Police mishandling of the case of the ‘ Yorkshire Ripper ’ , who was not caught despite the evidence available , was subject to scrutiny and complaints .
12 In retrospect , dying of the disease itself would seem infinitely preferable to the agonies of death from mercury poisoning .
13 Compliance sometimes led to delay in burial , though there was a waiver for anyone dying of the plague .
14 Implicit in the new narrative 's challenging of the assumptions of realism and in its privileging of subjective reality and of figurative forms of expression , is a questioning of the rationalist , cultural tradition of the West .
15 In fact , finally on the actually opening of the complete phase the er the increase on the six five eight was on the completion at that lower section , was in fact a sixty percent increase from six thousand to nine thousand .
16 Barth and Brunner moved on from that position and came to focus their attention on the re-working and re-stating of the main classical Christian doctrines , especially of christology , in which they believed the meaning and content of the revelation was explicated .
17 How valuable this Romanian channel of military information was to the Pentagon may be doubted , but it is revealing of the extent of Ceauşescu 's duplicity .
18 John of Salisbury 's comment that not only the towns but also the fortresses of Gaul feared Henry I of England was revealing of the new situation .
19 However , the incident is highly revealing of the concern felt in Cuba about the difficulties of persuading Moscow to make a substantial commitment .
20 Moreover , if one found that one 's company was at its nadir , the slopes of the V-curve might be revealing of the magnitude of the task in shifting to a better level of profitability .
21 Further damage to preparations caused by local heating includes blistering of thin section bonding resins and even cracking of the glass slide .
22 He then met members of the Resolution Trust Corporation , which is charged with disposing of the property of bankrupt thrifts .
23 Tenth-century kings tried to achieve a balance between secular and ecclesiastical power in the localities rather than to crush the former ; this was demonstrably the aim of Otto I and Otto II when disposing of the tributes exacted from the Slav peoples .
24 This practical load continues with issues like disposing of the clothes of the person who has died .
25 But other pigments in those ancient ‘ bacteria ’ developed other ways of disposing of the energy they had absorbed .
26 But if disposing of the waste generated by the Hinkley C reactor during its normal operation was a problem , what about the waste that would result from the eventual shutdown and dismantling at the end of its hoped-for forty years of operational life — the process described as ‘ decommissioning ’ ?
27 There must be a clean and efficient way of disposing of the ash .
28 They are sandwich-boards for Oedipal tendencies , eagerly disposing of the father — they reject authority , law , the land — and reverting with fervour to the embrace of the all-mothering sea .
29 After washing , twist taps were not turned off with the paper towel ; and where elbow taps were available , they were used properly only four times ; and when disposing of the paper towel in foot-operated pedal bins , nurses used their hands to open and close the bins .
30 Disposing of the British agents had been an idea of his own , and killing Goldstein a positive pleasure .
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