Example sentences of "[v-ing] about at " in BNC.

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1 For some unexplained reason you were still lurking about at a time when , normally , you would long since have gone home . ’
2 Walking about at night in the streets of Calcutta and of necessity stepping over emaciated bodies too lethargic to move , or visiting refugee shacks in beautiful Hong Kong , or standing helplessly in the filthy slums of Kampala , always the same agony and anger assailed me as it did on that cold morning in Kiel .
3 Tess seemed like a queen to Clare , perhaps because he knew that she was the most beautiful woman walking about at this time of day .
4 The bleeper attached to his belt suddenly shrilled into life and after silencing it he eased the hook from the mouth of the pike thrashing about at his feet and brushed it back into the water with the side of his boot .
5 ‘ Okay , ’ she said , looking about at the others , ‘ what comes next ? ’
6 He halted before it , looking about at the relentless blackness with an expression of distaste , pursing the fine lips that were visible below the hat .
7 Looking about at the crowd of faces , she tried to discover who was watching her .
8 The fun to be had by larking about at school would be a contrast with the grind of labouring jobs .
9 The sharp white lights of the television crew picked out the shards of the Worm , blowing about at the bottom of the pit until they became transparent and brittle , breaking into thousands of tiny pieces .
10 The system begins with its protozoa jiggling about at random , but after a few generations , they evolve into a race of protozoa which tend to move in straight lines .
11 I noted last week , while I hung like the average orang-outang from a strap in a train on the London underground , gazing about at travellers ' knitteds , that many of them had cuffs rolled up .
12 They were standing about as if in a daze , gazing about at the littered corpses and wounded .
13 Gazing about at the walls flanking the quad , it was possible to calculate the exact position where Heather had been standing when she took it : the extreme south-western corner .
14 Marc was stamping about at the top of the steps , knocking the snow off his boots .
15 The Stormtex outer gives the jacket a fair amount of shower and wind protection ; excellent for hillwalking and hanging about at the bottom of climbs .
16 Ho was kept hanging about at Biarritz .
17 Maybe where they come from , creeping about at five-thirty a.m. does n't get noticed , but it does here .
18 He 's far more likely to catch a chill standing about at a show or in the hunting field than after a bath , as long as you take the right precautions .
19 I can picture the convoy now : the little navigating jeep in front , the solid three-tonners rolling along steadily , and the jeeps scampering about at the back .
20 PREMIER John Major was fiddling about at a cricket match yesterday while his overburdened Chancellor struggled with Britain 's burning economic problems .
21 Er , you 've been fiddling about at the back where it breaks yeah , did you tell Ken ?
22 And when you think of a man earning about at the most two pounds ten shillings a week , one and sixpence was quite a sizable amount out of it , but eventually he paid it all off .
24 Back again on Grace , Tilda was messing about at the foot of the mast with a black and yellow flag , one of the very few they had .
25 Nancy is spar for spar the Goblin , the boat that the Swallows , pottering about at Pin Mill in a borrowed dinghy , see sailing towards them .
26 Not much cop considering that the game requires a hefty one hundred of the little blighters to be meandering about at once !
27 Harry laughed about this , saying that childbirth was like shelling peas to a woman , and that he 's be better off at sea after the mackerel than moping about at home and getting in the way of the womenfolk .
28 Well , as no-one 'ad bought any of me violets or treated me to a sandwich , and me near dyin' of starvation , with no job and no lodgings , well , I was so desperate I went up and grabbed the wallet , which Blackbeard was wavin' about at Dan Pearson .
29 While Horsley had been cavorting about at Oxford , he had been on the first rung of an entirely different social ladder , as a solicitor 's clerk .
30 Unfortunately , this had the effect of making it also extremely mobile during transport , and it was sliding about at every bend in the road .
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