Example sentences of "[v-ing] again that " in BNC.

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1 We slip out the back gate into a high-walled alley , me denying again that the police could be looking for me , and him smiling .
2 Before leaving the subject of price discrimination , it is worth noting again that actual competition policies on price discrimination are sometimes motivated by a concern to protect small businesses vis-à-vis large ones , even though the competitive effects of price discrimination may be beneficial ( lower prices to consumers ) .
3 AMERICANS are fretting again that their economic recovery is frail .
4 Before looking at the outcomes of regional policy , it is worth stating again that financial incentives are only one of the two strands of regional policy — the other is the industrial development certificate system through which the government can refuse applications for industrial expansion in prosperous areas thus encouraging firms to move into development areas .
5 From across the kitchen Lavinia smiled at him as though to reassure him , as though stating again that he did not seem laughable .
6 I want to start by emphasizing again that er I consider that the amount of traffic relief afforded to the A sixty one would be relatively low .
7 It is perhaps worth saying again that this argument for a rational basis for pedagogy does not imply that everything about good teaching can be reduced to what is rational .
8 When , that is , when so that from equation ( 11.35 ) and Assuming again that when , the constant is .
9 Sighing , Edward moved round to join her , muttering again that she should n't have started the firing on her own .
10 It was the school itself , and the hope of seeing again that handful of teachers who make a difference in anybody 's life .
11 Thinking now of Basil sighing deeply as he wrote his reports in Rishworth Street , and seeing again that absolutely personal handwriting that he had , one remembers again that unique charm , gentle but yes , too , at times a bit formidable , as pale , a bit round-shouldered , always smoking , serious but often laughing , dedicated without solemnity to the cause , he ploughed on with his work into the early evening .
12 ‘ There are no grounds for assuming that Libya was the only country involved , ’ he said , suggesting again that there had been ‘ an unholy alliance ’ between Iran , Syria and Libya .
13 At the risk of repetition , it is worth mentioning again that children ( especially those of preschool age ) are particularly vulnerable to home accidents .
14 Er I think it 's just worth mentioning again that it 's still on and er I , I think er it is really more important than ever now for us to impress on Chris what good work we do because er of the changing situation within the industry .
15 The Collector had pulled a grey handkerchief from his pocket to mop his brow and was gazing at it with pleasure , thinking again that he was a simple man at heart .
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