Example sentences of "[v-ing] down [art] " in BNC.

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1 Then I took some smaller bombs and planted them inside some of the rabbit holes , stamping down the roofs of the tunnel entrances so that they caved in and left only the straw fuses sticking out .
2 But I did n't get married four times because I like trolling down the aisle , I got married four times because I like the idea of being married and I like sharing my life with a man .
3 ‘ We 've got plenty of time for the post to get to America , ’ I said , sticking down the envelope .
4 It was , of course , by far a situation too good to last and in time , gazing down the glen , a solitary figure was spied struggling up the brae — without a kit-bag — the WAAFs identified their squadron officer ( known as Belladonna ) apparently about to make her first call on her troops in the wild , I was never able at first hand to witness this airmen 's paradise but it is a story that passed the rounds at Kinloss .
5 Then , bracing herself , she strode to the top of the staircase and stood gazing down the wide , sweeping curve of it to the imposing hallway and the big front door .
6 He further let it be known — in the most careless way imaginable , like a good gun bringing down a bird without breaking a conversational flow — that he was a bachelor , a man of wealth , a friend of the Prime Minister and , in an amiable manner , on the lookout for a secure investment in matrimony .
7 Some of the episodes and dialogue are intentionally comic — as when the son helps a friendly local chief to shake off some warriors from a neighbouring tribe by bringing down a swarm of bees on them .
8 The rifle is capable of bringing down a helicopter , and has a killing range of more than a mile .
9 From where she stood it shimmered in silver under a glancing sun , though upstream at the inn , where she had seen it close to , it rolled darkly brown and turgid , and laden with the debris of bushes , for the spring thaw had come late and violently , bringing down an immense weight of snow-water from the mountains of Wales .
10 Increasingly local Law Societies are either undertaking training or can be persuaded to do so , and bringing down an experienced personal injury practitioner or trainer from London may not seem too horrendous an idea if the local Law Society is funding and arranging it .
11 Traffic lights throughout Seaham were thrown into chaos yesterday after a heavy goods vehicle hit a post on the Times Inn bank , bringing down an electricity cable .
12 He was responding to Monday 's claim in the Belfast Irish News that at least three dozen officers were members of a secret ‘ inner circle ’ which had the objects of ‘ removing ’ republican suspects and bringing down the Anglo-Irish agreement .
13 The sheer fury of Southend 's running kept Spurs under pressure and in the 41st minute Gary Mabbutt , newly cautioned for bringing down the impressive David Crown , gave the ball to him .
14 Now I promise to devote myself to bringing down the costs of your mortgages because I believe that people should be able to own their own homes and to own them cheaply . ’
15 Heseltine faced the tactical dilemma that were he to campaign openly and be seen to be instrumental in splitting the party and bringing down the Prime Minister , he would be criticised as divisive and disloyal .
16 Where a temple , folly or grotto has been long abandoned and the roof has collapsed , bringing down the ceiling with it , a careful archaeological sift must be made through the debris .
17 Partnerships could henceforth be established between consenting adults so that ‘ two men could live permanently together without fearing prattling informers bringing down the criminal law upon them ’ .
18 They are strays , having been carried here by the glacier that once occupied Crummackdale as it retreated at the end of the Ice Age , scouring the ground as it departed and bringing down the boulders from their place of origin higher in the valley .
19 Islip was sent off after bringing down the goalkeeper Iremonger ( they were ‘ probably two of the most hot-headed players in the League , ’ said the Examiner ) , then Mint of Notts County was also sent off for attacking Smith .
20 Obviously , the short lives of all those babies and children will have a great effect in bringing down the average figure as even the least mathematical of us will be able to understand .
21 I decided to try the Power Tool in two ways : the first using a stack , with the amp set to full shred ; the second with a Vox AC30 on full tilt , but with the Power Tool bringing down the volume to bedroom level .
22 Then , as the players came thundering down the boards , she joined the stampede , trying to steal the ball and nearly bringing down the pony of a fat child with pigtails , whose mother promptly started yelling at Daisy .
23 The Labour Party 's part in bringing down the Chamberlain Government in May 1940 was recognized by the central roles allotted to Labour Ministers in Churchill 's Coalition Government .
24 He heard electrical impulses behind a large , old-fashioned enamelled flour bin on a high shelf in the kitchen and got out the step-ladder to investigate , bringing down the bin , which hit and broke a jar of clear honey in its descent ; he ended up with a mixture of flour and honey all over himself , the fridge and the floor .
25 Ken plans to put a false roof over the sales area , bringing down the ceiling to create a more intimate atmosphere .
26 Using two Stanley Height Reducers made the task of ‘ bringing down the ceiling ’ much simpler than using a conventional timber batten .
27 God would reward good ; his judgements in battle would be just ; he would favour the humble who honoured him and recognised his strength by bringing down the proud .
28 In the form in which the proposals on community service appeared in the Bill they owed something also to the Government 's hope that the new measure would be seen as a credible alternative to custodial sentences , thus contributing towards the aim of bringing down the prison population .
29 Southend defender Prior played a poor back pass and full-back Powell was booked for bringing down the goal-bound Thompson .
30 The terrorists know that by hitting commercial buildings and their insurers they are also hitting at a British Government faced with potentially huge underwriting costs even as it is desperate to find ways of bringing down the public sector borrowing requirement .
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