Example sentences of "[v-ing] out [art] " in BNC.

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1 The alcohol inside was now only faintly blurring out the throbbing pain in his jaw .
2 In the Old World , the Omomyidae were highly successful , crowding out the two other families , who were only able to make a living by becoming nocturnal .
3 One participant reported half empty rooms in sessions dealing with the ‘ new art history ’ of semiotics , gender , and dialogue , and unexpected demand for more traditional object-related sessions , crowding out the smaller rooms in which they were scheduled .
4 As soon as she closed her eyes a dark , austerely handsome face filled her mind , crowding out the last of her lingering fright , and when she eventually managed to get back to sleep it was to dream of Michele Lorenzo once more .
5 This is a direct parallel with conservation programmes that concentrate on small peasant farmers and those marginal semi-proletariat which find themselves eking out a living charcoal-burning , cultivating the steepest slopes , or in shifting cultivation without sufficient fallow-periods — an issue which is explored in detail in Chapter 7 .
6 MOTORING JOURNALISTS DREAM OF FINDING Colin Chapman , discredited father of the Lotus legend , alive and well , eking out a living under an assumed name and with moustache shaved off .
7 On to the main road , which runs through the island and , apart from the sheep eking out a sparse living on the dead heather , there is little moving until I come to the head of Whalfirth , a long arm of the sea which pushes in from the west until it nearly cuts the island in half .
8 C … an ex-sharedealer of Harvard Securities , was living in a barn on a friend 's farm in Kent , eking out a gipsy-like living by renovating rusty old cars .
9 Flaubert went to the house of Kuchuk Hanem , a famous Cairene courtesan reduced to eking out a living in this provincial backwater .
10 Most people still live in the hinterlands of the inhabited islands eking out a living , but poverty abounds .
11 Are you really going to let her wait , eking out a miserable existence , just because of some misplaced notions of pride ? ’
12 Again , the choice was between following the work to the factory towns or eking out an existence by labouring .
13 Thousands were still eking out an existence in China 's desolate border regions , their sacrifices and hardships almost forgotten in the new era of reform .
14 The Titfords , it seemed , had not given up the Miscellaneous Repos business for good : an unmarried Scottish lady in her sixties , Jessie Grieve , was staying with them as a lodger ; what little she may have paid in rent would have been very useful , no doubt , as a means of eking out the family income .
15 He had spent his time in a lodging house on the Strand , eking out the small amount of money Edward Morris had been able to lend him .
16 Tasks includes tests of navigational and landing precision , eking out the maximum flight time from a measured splash of fuel and flying against the clock to photograph a series of check points .
17 The only point in eking out the conversation was the hope that she had seen something curious .
18 On operating a diverter valve the ram extends , jacking the harvester for quick , safe track changes when opening out a field .
19 He knew , in his heart , that he had always been a little bit frightened of it really … opening out the throttle … he remembered the feeling of queasiness that had always accompanied that burst of power .
20 Finally , as Pete had been opening out the canvas deck cover on a relaunched Fairline Fury while Ted paced the dock alongside , he 'd looked up at his employer and said , ‘ You really want to know ? ’
21 In the side panel of the door he found a street map of Oxford , together with a copy of Railway Magazine ; and opening out the map he traced the line of the River Cherwell , moving his right index-finger slowly northwards from the site marked Bathing Pool , up along the edge of the University Parks , then past Norham Gardens and Park Town , out under the Marston Ferry Road ; and then , veering north-westerly , up past the bottom of Lonsdale Road …
22 Her voice tailed off as , opening out the letter , he began to read .
23 Trim the fabric away inside the scallops , cutting close to the stitching line and notching out the seam allowance round the curves ( fig. 37 ) .
24 Not by cheating … but if it meant trimming the petals with a pair of scisasors ten minutes before walking out the hall and the judge wo n't notice it …
25 Tearing out a sheet from his notebook , de Castelnau scribbled down his historic order that Verdun must be defended at all costs on the Right Bank , and handed it to Pétain .
26 While tearing out the old central heating and installing new , they had daringly put in new patio windows looking on to the rear garden ( where they had done away with mouldy flowerbeds full of Michaelmas daisies and had built a tiled area complete with ornamental pool and a lion 's head which dripped water into the pool ) , as well as redecorating most of the house in a lighter , more ‘ eighties ’ , way .
27 Henry Gunning , a Cambridge don in the eighteenth century , tells of a college fellow who " had Horace at his fingertips " — quite literally , for he committed the Odes to memory by taking the volume to the privy , getting a poem by heart , then tearing out the page for hygienic uses .
28 and he said no , someone 's going round nicking out the sheds and Nick said I know who he is , I thought
29 Erm , I 've been thinking that I ca n't chair this meeting and take the notes and things when it becomes , and if it , the fund comes through and it becomes the audio description project as opposed to this group , and you know we will be widening out a little bit , I wonder if we should actually have a chairman type person .
30 On the other hand , banging out a press release and sending it to absolutely everyone is a waste of time .
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