Example sentences of "[v-ing] you the " in BNC.

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1 In order to do this , you may find that first you need to look at your feelings of anger and resentment at your partner for denying you the ordinary experience of conception and pregnancy .
2 What kind of citizens charter is introduced on the back of denying you the right to even challenge the people who are providing the services , or could restrict the right of your family to be together , or the right for you to travel to the country where you 've been living ?
3 Aunt Maggie videoing you the re-match ?
4 I happen to have half a dozen , and there is one , just one , that I am allowing you the privilege of riding , because I think you are capable of coping with it .
5 Catalogues and mail order services share the disadvantages of offering a limited selection , and , more importantly , not allowing you the chance to examine the item until it arrives at the door .
6 Why else would I spend a nickel phoning you the glad tidings . ’
7 Here at Radio Rentals , we believe in bringing you the latest developments — as they happen !
8 At Radio Rentals we believe in bringing you the latest in product developments — as they happen .
9 At Radio Rentals we believe in bringing you the very latest product developments — as they happen !
10 We 're already gearing-up to launch a brand-new(ish) C64 action magazine onto the market — COMMODORE FORCE — but in the meantime we 're going to bow out gracefully by bringing you the ZZAP ! er 's guide to reincarnation .
11 The guitars were both made by Matthew at Chandler Guitars in London , amid some secrecy , and hopefully we will be bringing you the full story of their genesis soon .
12 As a Golf Plus Club Member you can enjoy up to a 20% discount on a year 's subscription to Britain 's best golf magazines bringing you the best pictures and best coverage of your favourite game .
13 But first , tune into reality with Lola Stechkin , bringing you The Pre-Breakfast Bulletin from the comfort of her dancercise studio …
14 Bash the Barbarian and , from this month on , he 'll be bringing you the very best in Commodore adventures .
15 Citalia take a special pride in bringing you the best and for 1992 offers the four most popular holiday centres — Rome , Venice , Florence and Verona .
16 Medusa raised her arms : ‘ We are , ’ she said , spelling out the words slowly : ‘ We are bringing you the real magic , this time . ’
17 ( Open to all over 16 ) bringing you the world 's best films .
18 We now have two new people involved with bringing you the news — Anne Seaton , away up in Scotland , who is helping with page three 's editing and Victoria Osborne , from Surrey , in a more general way , her first contribution is the report of our very successful Reunion held last November .
19 Next Sunday we shall be bringing you the last Ideas in Action programme before Christmas .
20 And in the absence of someone you can legitimately blame ( it 's rarely possible to give the person firing you the sort of vitriolic tongue-lashing you 'd like to ) , you may hit out at your nearest and dearest .
21 As I say it 's one of these er competitive market things , but if you go into an electrical shop and you buy a piece of electrical equipment , or if you want er a plug for it , a piece of electrical equipment because you found out that the plug on the electrical equipment at home is defective , it 's got cracked porcelain or something like , then please have a word with the person who is selling you the plug and say look , this plug is gon na be fitted on X appliance .
22 I owe you something for selling you the house .
23 I promise you I have every intention of releasing you the moment the eighteen months are up . ’
24 All Home Risks policies set out the cover for BUILDINGS , whether or not this cover is currently in force , so we are sending you the new wording , which you should keep with your policy .
25 Still , as you have managed to describe the bodily state of 90 per cent of the Punch staff we 're sending you the Jim Beam
26 Dear Miss Mitchell , On the instructions of my client , Mr Marius Steen , I am sending you the enclosed letter .
27 I 'll work out some way of sending you the money for the return postage .
28 In his covering letter he mentioned yet another title and gave the Wagnerian aspect an unexpected prominence : " I have written a pamphlet … which is to have the title " Music and Tragedy " , and I am sending you the beginning of it in manuscript .
29 I have pleasure in sending you the Programme for the 1982–83 Q.T. days .
30 And then a letter saying , you know it 's personalized saying , Dear Mrs Smith , thank you for your enquiry , I 'm sending you the information you requested and also thought that you might like to have a l a leaflet about our bridal box .
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