Example sentences of "[v-ing] that he " in BNC.

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1 They were not taking the hero for granted , but missing him madly and praying that he would be fit to return for the Davis Cup .
2 There are thousands , not of his flock , who are praying that he will not .
3 There are thousands , not of his flock , who are praying that he will not .
4 I remember , at the close of the fifties , going to a hairdresser and praying that he would n't talk .
5 A lot of people , including many members of the press , thought that Allan was going to win , were almost praying that he was going to win .
6 ‘ It will , ’ said Bodie , praying that he was right .
7 The beam of the torch wavered as he did so , and she cringed , praying that he would not notice .
8 So far I 'd managed to avoid giving him the exact address , but now he asked for it with a determined note in his voice — " Just in case I 'm down that way " and I was forced to invent one , praying that he 'd never check up on it .
9 A fifteen-year-old in grey flannel wandering around London in school holidays with an adolescent 's apocalyptic vision , praying that he would lose his virginity before the bombs came and blasted him to oblivion .
10 She turned her back on him , praying that he would not touch her , her throat so tight now with tears that it seemed to be closing , her chest feeling as if frantic hands were hammering it from the inside , bursting it — in several raw , sore places — wide open .
11 With every atom of her being she was praying that he was .
12 We talk about London and Grand Isle , and all the while I am praying that he will ask us on his boat .
13 She felt like that fish caught by the curlew , one part of her praying that he would spit her out again , the other , perversely , longing for him to swallow her up .
14 ‘ The locals are praying that he wants to stay in Santa Barbara forever .
15 ‘ When Jones sat on the bench on Saturday in the Test we were praying that he did not have to come on .
16 ‘ When Jones sat on the bench on Saturday in the Test we were praying that he did not have to come on .
17 For the moment , Mr Rocard is probably just praying that he can hold on to his seat in the Yvelines .
18 He came to spend the night , by agreement , twice a week and she saw him every day but there was no denying that he seemed a visitor and never a member of her household .
19 In his libel action seeking aggravated damages , Donovan claimed he suffered serious injury to his professional and personal reputation , considerable distress and embarrassment and that the article implied he was guilty of gross hypocrisy and deceit by denying that he was homosexual .
20 Paul wanted to retch , and at the same time felt his member thrusting against his clothes ; there was no denying that he had wanted this , when all was said , for a long time .
21 In it the pope said nothing about homage , and argued temperately against lay investitures , minimizing their importance , and denying that he sought for himself any increase of authority or any diminution of the king 's due power .
22 Giles recalls one remark when Montini was criticizing the De Gasperi Christian Democratic government for inaction while denying that he was doing anything of the kind ( a typical Montini ploy ) : ‘ In political questions the Church has to be general , just as in religious matters she can not afford not to be particular ’ ( ibid. , p. 109 ) .
23 If a person writes a book or magazine article denying that he has committed any crime , are his words to be interpreted as his opinion regarding the crime ?
24 Old Doc Mac was one of the really great forensic scientists — we started together — but there 's no denying that he 'd let the reins slip a bit in recent years .
25 " You 're Hannibal Hayes , " the voice of a sheriff roared from the television drama , and the voice of the cowboy quietly retorted , denying that he was .
26 He spent much time today and yesterday denying that he would increase from 14 to 20 per cent .
27 In November 1989 Secord had pleaded guilty to a felony charge of making a false statement to congressional investigators by denying that he knew that funds from the Iran-contra operation had been used to instal a security system at the house of Oliver North .
28 While denying that he would be merely a stopgap premier , Goh nevertheless stated in December 1989 that " it is obvious that Lee Hsien Loong will be after me " .
29 After demonstrations outside his home and threats to his life , Tshisekedi refused the position , denying that he had agreed to take it at a secret meeting with the President .
30 By Nov. 20 Mahdi Mohammed was reported to be massing reinforcements in Warsheik , about 60 km north of Mogadishu , and had placed a satellite telephone call to the British Broadcasting Corporation denying that he had been ousted .
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