Example sentences of "[v-ing] that there " in BNC.

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1 This alternative picture involves denying that there is a coherent materialist alternative to the Cartesian ‘ private theatre ’ view of the mind ; but it also involves placing the attack on the Cartesian picture in a wider context .
2 To take this road is to resort to what I earlier described as the ‘ most primitive physicalist response ’ to the problem , which involves denying that there is anything about the nature of experience that BS does not know .
3 I am not , for example , denying that there occur mental processes .
4 But Gray and Gallistel are merely denying that there is any certainty in the selection .
5 There is no point denying that there was a ‘ free fight ’ in Bean Street between the Powers ' and Jenkins ' families , with men rolling on the ground .
6 The other ( modern ) extreme , that of denying that there was such a thing as Carthaginian imperialism , is equally unsatisfying : from Plato onwards , Greeks spoke of Carthaginian eparcheia , a compound of arche = rule or empire , in Sicily ; and ( he Carthaginians imposed tribute , phoros , on Greek cities which fell into their power ( e.g. Diod. xiii.59 : Selinus ) .
7 Or the line could be denying that there is any contradiction at all between truth and feigning ( poetry , Sidney claimed in his Defence , could make true fictions ) .
8 Azerbaijan 's Minister of the Interior , Iskender Khamidov , left for Nakhichevan to hold talks over the issue , denying that there had been a conflict .
9 There was also a bit about Lesley Silver denying that there was a link between Battys sale and a 2.5M offer to buy back Elland Road from the council .
10 My Lords there is no point in the Government denying that there is such a danger , pressure of precisely this character has been applied on chief officers of police outside our own shores .
11 Momoh visited China on June 6-11 , 1990 , reaffirming that there was no intention to establish diplomatic links with Taiwan .
12 Rebecca ( or ‘ Becky ’ as everyone calls her ) picked up the plane and , noticing that there was writing on it , slowly unfolded it .
13 Of course , there is always the milkman : one of society 's front-line social workers , who has saved the lives of countless elderly people by noticing that there is something amiss and alerting neighbours or the police .
14 ‘ I 'll deal with that , ’ said Anthony , noticing that there were tears in Comfort 's big grey eyes , ‘ but I want you to stay here with her .
15 Scott wandered down the short set of steps to Carol 's door , noticing that there was a pint of milk on the step .
16 In Ireland , Diarmaid , King of Dublin , made two attacks on Meath along with the King of Ossory , and , noticing that there were few Orkney ships these days in the water and no Orkney attempts at interference , decided it was time to look for some easy weapons and cattle and money , and maybe even a harbour or two .
17 And the Royal Institution of Great Britain in Albemarle Street was that day announcing that there were to be eight lectures given by Mr. Faraday on Static or Franklinic Electricity , to commence on 21 April .
18 For men , the shroud is made exactly the same as the above for women , excepting that there is no gathering in the front .
19 A self-appointed leader , he made the rules without being explicit about them or even explaining that there were rules .
20 A good way of checking that there is no unnecessary movement is to kick the toe of the boot against a carpeted stair riser .
21 Many of these systems operate with no human effort or skill apart from switching the equipment on and checking that there is sufficient paper in the computer printer or plotter and so on .
22 A nesting box must be positioned in an area that has no existing barn owl settlement , after checking that there are enough small mammals to feed an expanding population .
23 I think also you would expect children who are really quite young , well before the first year , to be showing social interest in other adults around , and if they 're not it might be worth checking that there is n't some problem with the child .
24 I think also you would expect children who are really quite young , well before the first year , to be showing social interest in other adults around , and if they 're not it might be worth checking that there is n't some problem with the child .
25 We must confirm to you at the time of booking that there is a free or reduced price holiday still available on the departure date you require .
26 Although they had checked twice before booking that there would be no smokers on their coach , the firm , Land Travel , had received too few bookings for the special trip and had consolidated the bookings with another coach party where most of the passengers were heavy smokers .
27 It is , for example , revealing that there is no indication in either book of the Situationist commitment to political struggles in the Third World and their critique of imperialism .
28 At the same time Gascoigne 's military adviser , Brigadier A. K. Ferguson , submitted a report revealing that there was divergence between different sections of GHQ as to the treatment of Japan .
29 It may be simpler for utilitarianism to neglect or ignore the demands of justice and equity , but that is no argument for maintaining that there should not be justice and equity .
30 She wanted her daughter to be a marchioness , maintaining that there was nothing wrong with Virginia which marriage would n't cure .
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