Example sentences of "[v-ing] by [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Crucial factors are the efficiency of reactor shut-down , emergency cooling by flooding the reactor with water and containment of any release from the reactor .
2 To test this , we marked the boundaries of the exposed mesenchyme immediately after wounding by applying spots of the lipophilic dye DiI , which , once incorporated , remains confined to the cells that have taken it up .
3 If you want to suggest consequences or implications , try ending by answering these questions :
4 He had been pacing the room with slow majestic energy ending by peering down through the venetian blind at Madison below .
5 The Nozovent , which is worn just inside the nostrils at night , reduces snoring by making breathing easier .
6 However , the University reserve the right to vary the charges from those confirmed at the time of booking by giving notice to the Organisers not less than 10 weeks in advance of the commencement of the conference/courses .
7 Ian Denson of John Frieda suggests having highlights several weeks before leaving and protect your hair in the sun when sunbathing by combing through conditioner .
8 He is not compensating by making instinctive stops or commanding his area to take crosses .
9 Here Racal is compensating by cultivating paramilitary forces , and has become the Government 's nominated supplier of secure mobile radios to UK police forces .
10 Mr Earnshaw is contributing by making 3ft candles in his home in Academy Street , Edinburgh .
11 The Home Office is planning tougher powers against laundering by adding extra clauses to the Criminal Justice ( International Co-operation ) Bill after its second reading this month .
12 As tomatoes ripen , an enzyme is produced which causes softening by breaking down the pectin in the cell walls .
13 ‘ This is because , from the public 's point of view , if a company they are thinking of employing by Safe-Buy UK , they know they can proceed with a home improvement with extra reassurance and avoid things going badly or expensively wrong .
14 Temporarily secure the centre of the length to the core with a piece of tape and begin winding by passing the shuttle through the core centre repeatedly .
15 THE furious Pakistani cricket team started a racism row last night after England batsman Allan Lamb accused them of cheating by tampering with the ball .
16 Consequently , there is little need to prevent cheating by making the government 's announced monetary policy constitutionally binding .
17 ‘ Two people walking by heard the shouts from a field and went to his assistance .
18 Defries went up to her , and stopped her climbing by placing a hand on her boot .
19 For example , in a normal conversation between a child and an adult , if the child said ‘ er … um ’ or looked puzzled in response to a question , the adult would attempt to resolve what appeared to be some problem of understanding by rephrasing the question or asking what the problem was .
20 A guide to the use of the literature in any given subject should be based on a logical concept and thereby facilitate understanding by providing the opportunity to relate new information to previous knowledge .
21 We are looking for understanding by listening to something or someone .
22 To contribute to knowledge and understanding by evaluating the usefulness of the concepts of learned helplessness and self-worth motivation in understanding learning and behavioural difficulties .
23 They aid understanding by imposing an organisation on the information in the text , and providing any extra information required to maintain its coherence .
24 In the light of this discussion I offer some indications as to how a strategy of reading might be applied to the study of racist discourses , and invite readers to try out this approach on the two study texts , not in order to produce ‘ the right answer ’ but to compare what is gained and what lost in detail and depth of understanding by applying this kind of model compared to the others .
25 Ultimately there would be a depreciation of the exchange rate under a free-floating regime , but the policy response of the government has been to prevent this occurring by sustaining a high level of domestic interest rates .
26 The plan aims to reduce driving by bringing homes and work closer together .
27 Pay good attention and show that you are listening by nodding and looking into the other person 's eyes , but not staring .
28 Henry concentrated on Donald 's face and , as so often these days , found it easier to look as if he was listening by doing the reverse .
29 But this did not mean that they were not communicating ; merely that they were not communicating by talking .
30 Smoothing by taking repeated medians is very powerful , and can sometimes produce a result that departs more from the pattern of the original data sequence than we would like .
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