Example sentences of "[v-ing] have get " in BNC.

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1 I 'm going to have get .
2 Looked like they were just going to have to get along with things the way they were until their time was up .
3 ‘ You 're going to have to get it from somewhere , Tiptoe , ’ they heard him say .
4 ‘ We 're going to have to get organized , Henry , ’ Mrs Lawler said .
5 You 're going to have to get me there . ’
6 ‘ Old ’ Democrats are going to have to get used to the fact that there is not enough money for the huge array of new programmes they want ( especially if health care reform costs an additional $100 billion , as it may ) .
7 ‘ I think I 'm going to have to get a job . ’
8 ‘ Well , we 're going to have to get jobs .
9 She was going to have to get some money .
10 ‘ You 're going to have to get rid of dear Geoffrey , ’ cried John Harbour , flushed with excitement .
11 Both Kosi and Lars figure that we 're a lot closer to Moloch than to Belial , but we 're going to have to get there under our own steam .
12 Well you 're going to have to get rid of it , so .
13 I 'm going to have to get better at lying , thought Greg .
14 So to stay in the frame is Virgin going to have to get in there and
15 Then , from Riva , ‘ You 're either going to have to get a tissue out of my skirt pocket and wipe my nose for me , or untie me so I can do it myself . ’
16 ‘ Laverne , we 're going to have to get back quickly or I 'll be sick . ’
17 I was going to have to get to the point .
18 I really was going to have to get round to discussing the extraterrestrial problem .
19 Another draw , we are going to have to get some wins .
20 You 're going to have to get used to that this summer . ’
21 ‘ He said , ‘ You 're going to have to get seriously fit , and if you commit to doing it , you must complete it ’ . ’
22 We 're going to have to get some polystyrene or something and put that over there and then he 's gon na get a plain er wood panel , you know
23 This is in line with the obvious policy , not just of the ruling group , but I suspect of the council as a whole that we know that sooner or later courtesy of this government , whether we like it or not we are going to have to get down to our standard spending assessment .
24 Any nation has to learn democracy er , and it seems to me that all the people of the Soviet Union have shown over the last four or five years a lively interest in politics and considerable to participate in politics , er one of the problems is of course is that they 've been doing so , too much and in too disorganised a way , they 're going to have to get together .
25 It 's certainly something we 're all gon na have too er adjust too , thank you for pointing it out that the United States is going to have such enormous influence er from , from now on , we 're all going to have to get used to it and er get used to how to deal with it .
26 A fortnight later from Bradford , another set of solicitors rang up , explained that they understood the circumstances , said Look c could I hold the stuff there and what was I going to charge for the storage etcetera , er and they would be going to have to get an affidavit from this lady in Australia at some stage in order to give er him the chance to have the stuff back .
27 Conditions are jolly hot there , and they 're going to have to get used to that quite quickly , the big thing is to get them through and out into the desert as quickly as possible .
28 Again my my personal view is that I think phasing has got a lot a lot going for it but I do not know how you could phase current commitments , because after all those those are on the table now .
29 But their posing served only to disguise their dissatisfaction , as sharedealing had got into their blood .
30 the people you 're asking have got .
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