Example sentences of "[v-ing] have be " in BNC.

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1 But the company he has been keeping has been fascinating .
2 Now that the inevitability of synonyms occurring has been made clear , we must consider how to deal with them .
3 Adequate insurance cover gives you the peace of mind of knowing that your business 's ability to continue trading has been preserved , and that the personal assets of directors are not at risk .
4 Conference , if you think back to all those times that you have sat at home watching the news after a day 's work like I have , and listen carefully to what is being said , you may well have been horrified and saddened to hear the many stories appertaining to people who have had accidents or died due to the fact that the machine they have been driving has been too powerful .
5 In spring 1988 Johnson asked for the case to be adjourned so that LGCM could move its office without appearing to have been thrown out .
6 " Tipped , " Timothy Gedge said , the word appearing to have been chosen at random .
7 A piece of pastureland adjoining had been given by the Laird , so dense was the population of the dead in that rank square ; but the people would not use it , they would rather return to the hallowed earth of the dead from whose collective and immortal life they had themselves briefly emerged … ‘
8 There had been rumours lately that the new owner was going to stop even local people from using the estate , because poaching had been going on , and some of the deer had been found wounded .
9 Those that are now appearing have been in the pipeline for at least two years , having been commissioned before the recession hit the publishing industry .
10 The house where they were living has been re-possessed because the owner could n't keep up with the mortgage payments .
11 Notice how the platoon he is inspecting has been ‘ sized ’ with the tallest men on the smallest in the smallest in the middle .
12 In a world ordered by sexual imbalance , pleasure in looking has been split between active/male and passive/female .
13 With fewer of those serving having been to Sunday school and with the small number of hymns learnt at school , the repertoire is very limited .
14 A very few of Patterson 's spellings may indicate that /a/ backing and rounding had been observed sporadically in -r and -l environments : he has form for ‘ farm ’ and canaul for ‘ canal ’ .
15 This presumably reflected a belief either that the damage caused by opencasting had been exaggerated by Flowers or that this damage was fully justified by the perceived benefits gained from increased production .
16 It was indefensible to keep the latter in jail while thousands of others who had succeeded in escaping had been allowed out to the West , he said .
17 The sums on the invoice are incorrect : this has been cleared with the Hilton and the sum owing has been settled at 592 in total .
18 Finally , a work-based Certificate in Funeral Directing has been introduced this year .
19 I think that people do n't want to see any more constitutional changes , but there are many more changes in the culture , in the way the Party operates at local , regional , and national level , which we will be addressing , but what we 're not going to have is more constitutional changes , because people feel that we 've made changes , we have moved the Party forward , we 're clear the direction we 're going in , and now the Party at all levels wants to address itself not only to building our membership , but also to showing how the policies we 've got meet the changed world outside .
20 I think the regrettable thing about the parking in in the town is the way that some of the disabled slots at the surgery are taken by the cars of people who are perfectly able to walk from the car park , and I think the great problem we 're going to have is we 're going to rely on the public spiritedness of our fellow townspeople and there does seem to be a fair group of people who are extremely selfish when it comes to come to parking .
21 Apart from which , this meeting that they 're supposed to be going to have is totally out of order anyway .
22 Erm well all the groups are going to have be changed around , er , from February erm I do n't exactly know yet
23 Behind him the door of the house whose occupant he had just been interviewing had been dosed with considerable firmness .
24 Here had been the baroque brothels , where wenching had been carried on in the grand manner .
25 The spotted mare came from Billy Smart 's and jumps a flaming hoop suspended at five feet , the chestnut in the horsebox is an ex-hunter who once belonged to the Duke of Beaufort , this one I 'm holding has been placed twice round Badminton , and Hoomey 's — ’
26 We have described this process earlier ( chapter 6 ) , and it seems to occur in every case where fingerspelling has been available for some time and there has been a strong hearing influence .
27 That means really big , .166 instead of .145 , and the sound we 've been getting has been unbelievable .
28 But now stagediving has been banned in most venues , where have the divers gone ?
29 Admittedly , the Barbarians were considerably below their traditional strength because of the priorities of the cup and league matches in England and Wales but I doubt if the Barbarians would have lost to South Korea if scummaging had been part of the game .
30 You 'll have heard from your boss that the two-yearold you were riding had been got at . ’
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