Example sentences of "[num] [noun] be " in BNC.

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1 Three petitions containing more than 2,200 signatures were received in opposition to the proposals for Dixon 's Bank , Marton .
2 This collection of eight essays is derived from the annual Darwin College lectures delivered in Cambridge in 1991 .
3 Only 243 houses were completed , at an average price of £71,000 each , compared with 417 completions at £73,400 in 1991 .
4 still , locating 27 golden eagle eyries across 750 sq.km is no mean feat , especially for a man observed with vertigo and arthritic knees .
5 There were 396 shooting incidents ( 406 in 1989 ) , 167 explosions ( 224 ) with an estimated weight of 5,392 lb ( 12,114 lb ) ; 120 bombs were neutralized ( 196 ) with an estimated weight of 15,328 lb ( 13,662 lb ) and 438 armed robberies ( 541 ) in which £1,728,685 was stolen ( £1,079,399 ) .
6 Gabriel 's two hundred and fifty sheep were not yet paid for .
7 When these were matched and pairs of hearing signers were established , only eight pairs were found in our data where people acquiring sign before the age of 25 years had similar experience to those who had acquired it after the age of 30 years .
8 The regional distribution of the 109 projects is : Africa : 31 , Asia : 20 , Europe : 3 , Latin America : 39 , Middle East : 9 , Pacific : 5 , inter-regional : 2 .
9 Examples include the area of metalling alongside the north-south road at Dorchester-on-Thames , the open area south of the basilican building at Godmanchester , the area south of the temple at Irchester and the gravel areas flanking the temple at Wycomb , from which 1100 coins were recovered .
10 During the ten-year period from 1951 to 1961 , 1,640 houses were built :
11 Only 500 copies are said to have been printed .
12 The survey will be begun to be made , as soon as 500 copies are subscribed for , and it is eagerly requested that such as wish to become subscribers , will be as early as possible in signifying their names , that the proposer may embrace the opportunity of surveying all the streets this summer , which can not be conveniently done after 7 o'clock in the morning , on account of the interruption of carriage .
13 The honourable draw had to wait till Old Trafford , although over eleven hours were lost to the weather .
14 A two-thirds majority is needed in the General Synod when voting takes place next Wednesday .
15 A two-thirds majority is needed in each house of the General Synod when voting takes place next Wednesday .
16 This weapon was not as significant as it seemed : a two-thirds majority was needed for the vote to succeed ; the EC budget , despite the costs of the CAP , only amounted to one per cent of the Community 's GDP ; and , if the budget was rejected , the Commission would still have the right to spend money on a month-by-month basis .
17 The vote on Jan. 22 by the US House of Representatives to override the presidential veto on the student bill provoked an angry reaction from China , and on Jan. 25 the US Senate narrowly voted to sustain Bush 's veto ; a two-thirds majority was needed in both houses of Congress to overturn a presidential veto .
18 It also raised doubts concerning the ability of the East German government to ensure the passage of a state treaty on the terms for unification , since without the support of SPD votes the requisite two-thirds majority was unlikely to be obtained in the Volkskammer .
19 In the first three rounds a two-thirds majority was required , and thereafter only a simple majority .
20 In Germany the support of the opposition Social Democrats ( SPD ) was needed if the required two-thirds majority were to be gained in the Bundestag ( lower house of parliament ) , and if the treaty were to be passed by the Bundesrat ( upper house ) where the SPD held control .
21 Eight hours is a long time to wait to play three games , ’ said Sanchez , last year 's runner-up to Monica Seles .
22 Ee , I mean if everything went alright , it 's about eight hours is n't it ?
23 Although most enterprises limited their protests to putting up flags and posters , work stoppages ranging from 15 minutes to eight hours were reported from some districts .
24 Serum concentration-time curves over eight hours were obtained from 34 healthy volunteers after a single oral dose of 400 to 500 mg of the different drugs .
25 Serum concentration-time curves over eight hours were obtained from 34 healthy volunteers after a single oral intake of 500 mg Pentasa ( n=5 ) , two Claversal 250 mg tablets ( n=5 ) , one Claversal 500 mg tablet ( n=8 ) , 1000 mg Salazopyrin ( n=5 ) , 500 mg Dipentum ( n=5 ) , or 400 mg Asacol ( n=6 ) .
26 In Derbyshire in 1776 eight hours was usual , save for exceptionally difficult ground when six were worked .
27 Ambulatory manometry lasting approximately eight hours was performed with a Gaeltec ( Dunvegan , Isle of Skye IV55 8GU ) Manometric catheter with three miniaturised solid state transducers placed 5 cm apart in its distal 10 cm , connected proximally to a Synectics ( 215 Willow Road , Enfield , Middlesex ) multichannel microdigitrapper .
28 The parasite was originally described in 1907 but the first human case was not recognised until 1976 and only eight cases were described in the literature before 1982 .
29 There was an upper limit of £50,000 on the amount of aid , and only about 500 projects were approved between 1971 and 1977 ( Marquand 1979 ) .
30 A final list of eight proposals was chosen for support and these ( showing institution and course title ) were :
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