Example sentences of "[num] [conj] that " in BNC.

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1 Eventually , it was agreed and confirmed at a mass meeting held at the Stadium in Liverpool on 6 October that the seaman 's wage on all foreign-going ships should be raised to £pound11 and the fireman 's to £pound11 10s and that the national wage board should determine a national port wage within four weeks , the award to be paid retrospectively .
2 It was held that Maidstone market was a market overt because it was established by charter in 1747 and that the innocent purchaser obtained a good title to the car because it was customary at Maidstone market for goods to be sold by private treaty after the auction .
3 A very large proportion of the population now believes that ‘ un pas de gèant ’ will be taken in 1993 and that the Tunnel will be a commercial success .
4 Prison Wormwood Scrubs where he was informed of the decision by the Secretary of State , following consultations with the trial judge and with Lord Lane C.J. , that his first review by the local review committee would be August 1993 and that 11 years was regarded by a junior minister on behalf of the Secretary of State as being the requisite time necessary for Mr. Pegg to meet the requirements of retribution and deterrence for his offence .
5 I know that it is intended to begin wiring around 1 September 1993 and that it will be a week or so before the actual switchover from room 202 to the above sites takes place .
6 It has always been the intention to advise individuals that this is a Provisional Banding , that they will receive formal notification of their Banding with their Demand in April 1993 and that any enquiries/appeals about Banding can not be dealt with until after 1 April 1993 .
7 US intelligence had estimated that North Korea could have nuclear weapons ready by 1993 and that it was taking action to hide the existence of components from possible international inspection .
8 Suppose the demand curve , reflecting social marginal benefit , is given by D 2 D 2 and that the industry begins with the capital stock for which Q is the maximum output and SMC the relevant short-run marginal cost curve .
9 However , in O'Reilly v. Mackman Lord Diplock argued that the present procedural regime for AJRs is more advantageous to applicants than that under the pre-1978 version of Ord. 53. and that it strikes a sound balance between the interests of applicants and respondents .
10 On Oct. 31 , 1989 , Pravda said that 3,000,000 of the workforce had been made unemployed since 1985 and that the total would reach 15-16,000,000 by 2005 .
11 The Slovak parliament 's defence and security committee alleged that Meciar was registered with the security police or StB from 1985 and that he had removed incriminating evidence and promoted loyal former agents in the Slovak Interior Ministry after November 1989 .
12 ( a ) that the body complies with Rules 3–6 , 8 , 9 and 22 and that its members comply with Rules 5 and 6 ; and
13 ( a ) that the body complies with Rules 36 , 8 , 9 and 22 and that its members comply with Rules 5 and 6 ;
14 Indemnity insurance At the same time as applying for replacement of his practising certificate a solicitor must satisfy the Law Society ( by attaching to his application a copy of the form of evidence issued and stamped by London Insurance Brokers Ltd ) that he has complied with the provisions of the Solicitors ' Indemnity Rules 1991 or that he is exempt from so doing .
15 The latter point was silly , coming from a man who has spent much of the last five years persuading his party that the world had changed since May 1979 and that there was no going back .
16 The fact that a woman , Margaret Thatcher , smashed the biggest glass ceiling of all in 1979 and that women have been storming into business and Government with ever more determination and success than before , should point the way for the hospitality industry .
17 More interestingly , he found that ‘ economies of scale are insignificant in villages having a population of up to 2,000 and that the unit costs in these villages are not significantly higher than in a town of 29,000 … ’
18 Sydney told Vic that there should be plenty of shell cases to be found over there , a delighted Vic explained that a workman had found hundreds and that the remains of the butts were still in place !
19 Frankish annals record that Eardwulf visited Charlemagne and Pope Leo III and that he was escorted back by imperial and papal envoys and re-established in his kingdom in 808 .
20 The letter raises the suspicion that there was a threat to Aethelbald 's life in 746–7 and that Boniface was responding to a potentially dangerous situation in Mercia at that time when any personal idiosyncrasy of behaviour on the part of the king , which was unacceptable to Christian morality , would be magnified .
21 THE shares of Quicks Group raced ahead 22 to 90p yesterday after the Manchester-based car distributor announced a return to the black in 1991 and that it was maintaining its dividend total at 3p , with a 2p final on July 10 .
22 The OSF press release and its mock shock horror surprise also does n't allow for the fact that Addamax voluntarily revealed Sun 's involvement to defendants ' counsel in October of 1991 and that OSF itself has known about it since at least May of this year .
23 However , computer simulations using state-of-the-art general atmospheric circulation models undertaken in Britain , Canada , Germany and the United States all suggest the fires will have added only 2–5 per cent to world emissions of carbon dioxide in 1991 and that this increase will not have had a significant influence on world climate change .
24 In a news conference on Nov. 9 , however , the Philippine spokesman Rafael M. Alunan appeared to indicate a softening of the government 's stance by differentiating for the first time between " sovereign control " and " operational control " , noting that Philippine personnel would not be fully ready to take over the bases by 1991 and that US personnel would be needed to operate them under Philippine sovereignty for a transitional period .
25 The net immediate effect was that Peru would pay nothing to the Paris Club for the rest of 1991 and that repayments for 1992 were cut to $300,000,000 , less than half the expected figure .
26 It was hoped that free trade in goods throughout the region would be ensured by 1995 and that the movement of capital and people would be deregulated by the end of the decade .
27 On Sept. 2 All-India Radio reported that Pakistani forces had been shelling the Punch sector in Jammu and Kashmir since Aug. 26 and that a woman and two children had been killed .
28 But there is little doubt that charter-train profit can be read in seven-figure sums rather than six and that as a business venture , InterCity has not done badly at all .
29 The British Wind Energy Association is concerned that new wind projects total only six and that the 30 megawatts which these turbines would contribute to the national grid is " embarrassingly small " in comparison with Denmark , the Netherlands and Spain .
30 Imagine that an economy 's aggregate demand curve is AD in figure 4.4 and that its natural level of output is y n .
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