Example sentences of "[num] [conj] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 I want to concentrate on the week in Adelaide in January 1933 that brought it all to a head , and the personal dilemma I faced as the Teuter-Press Association correspondent .
2 Chart 10 further shows that these industries also enjoyed much stronger growth in pre-tax profits in 1982–89 than did cyclical ones .
3 The Leeds average including the 39,106 that attended the QPR game is now 34,104 which keeps us in 4th place .
4 We checked out hundreds of hotels but only found thirty-five or forty that met the basic-facilities criteria .
5 Oh that 's er , I would say about nineteen forty roughly I 'd say about nineteen forty that came in , might have been before that .
6 The powerplant was in fact a coupled pair of liquid-cooled Aichi Atsuta 30s that developed 3,400hp .
7 This trend was confirmed by a report published by the URA in 1985 that found no low income homebuyers moving into the area during the Programme period .
8 Van Gogh stayed with the Rev. Jones from July to December 1876 and continued to write copiously and regularly to his beloved brother , Theo , also to his parents .
9 It had been painted in 1876 and showed an older and more ethereal poet , his head rising , as is common with Watts 's portraits , from a vague dark column of a body into a spiritual light .
10 It had been built in 1876 and consisted of a whole succession of low-roofed , dormer-windowed , gabled buildings .
11 Burntisland shipped 190,000 in 1876 and jumped to over 500,000 tons by 1880 .
12 Charles White , the celebrated Manchester surgeon , was born in 1728 and received his anatomical training in London at William Hunter 's academy in 1748 .
13 Nabiyev completed a two-day visit to Iran on June 30 and went on to Pakistan , returning to Tajikistan on July 4 .
14 A majority of 10 EC Foreign Ministers rejected the Netherlands draft at a meeting in Brussels on Sept. 30 and demanded the reinstatement of the earlier Luxembourg text .
15 Justin Lekhanya , who seized power in 1986 from the then Prime Minister Chief Leabua Jonathan , was himself led into the studio of Radio Lesotho by troops on April 30 and made to broadcast his own resignation as Chairman of the six-member ruling Military Council .
16 Madani and Belhadj were detained on June 30 and accused of organizing an " armed conspiracy " .
17 Below the Foundation Stone a later tablet was unveiled on 3 April 1960 to commemorate T W T Jackson who was born in 1895 and died in 1956 .
18 These , and a series of 2–2–2 type machines with inside cylinders , continued to be built until 1895 and hauled the principal express trains .
19 After two years of preparing with tutors , Dolben fainted during his examinations for Balliol in the spring of 1867 and failed .
20 They said they built 11,000 Sparcstation 10s and sent 10,000 out the door .
21 The art nouveau artists who turned against the conventional gem-set ornaments of the 1890s and looked instead to nature for inspiration are represented by Lucien Gautrait .
22 ‘ Medicus ’ was a bit behind the times for Cooks , who , building on the work of their founder , had seized on the cycling craze of the 1890s and advertised cycling tours on the Continent which were especially aimed at single women .
23 The Nazis polled over seventeen million votes on 5 March 1933 and began the transformation of Germany into a totalitarian state .
24 The Left had fought against fascism since 1933 and had organized support for the Spanish Republican armies since I 936 .
25 Albert Geldard , who gained an FA Cup-winners ' medal with Everton in 1933 and won four England caps , has died in a Bury hospital , aged 75 .
26 Haig Thomas and I arrived in Addis Ababa on 8 September 1933 and stayed with Dan and Chris Sandford on their farm at Mullu .
27 He was elected lord mayor of Liverpool for 1916–17 and became an alderman in 1921 .
28 The woman who was holding the baby is described as being white , in her 30s and had brown , tidy , collar-length hair .
29 The woman with the baby is described as white , in her 30s and had brown , tidy collar length hair .
30 My own autograph hunting was conducted with boyish enthusiasm at Trent Bridge in the late 19920s and early 30s and began in inauspicious circumstances .
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