Example sentences of "[vb base] here a " in BNC.

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1 We report here a simplified and reliable protocol for fast minipreparation and denaturation of plasmid DNA which takes only half an hour to produce single-stranded template DNA of high quality for sequencing .
2 We propose here a name for the gene we have partly described , and for the protein products ( GGFs , NDF , ARIA , heregulins ) derived from it .
3 Wait here a few days , then Newman will contact you , again providing he agrees .
4 Wait here a minute , bo' , ’ I said ; ‘ I 'll tell you what : you 've been a-braggin' again , have n't you ? ’
5 Wait here a moment ! ’
6 Wait here a minute , Frances . ’
7 ‘ Just wait here a second while I drop this in . ’
8 No , we 'll wait for the opportunity outside , if we wait here a month and more .
9 Just stop here a minute .
10 We give here a brief sample both of the original [ 10 ] and of Burgess 's Class 1 version [ 11 ] : [ 10 ] Once upon a time and a very good time it was there was a moocow coming down along the road and this moocow that was coming down along the road met a nicens little boy named baby tuckoo …
11 If it 's more games you 're after , or maybe just help with Black Knight , drop here a SAE at .
12 Get here a special form to fill in .
13 Get here a second .
14 For the SGML-aware , we present here a somewhat simplified version of the SGML declarations for the highest level elements in the TEI scheme :
15 This development led , among some of the partners in the education system , to a sense of chaos ( TES 1991b:12 ) : A combination of over-prescriptive legislation , a well-meaning but disastrously complicated assessment system and an indefensible system to use GCSE for the statutory end-of-stage assessment , produce here a conundrum …
16 But if you sit here a moment , I will comb out your hair , and you may keep the comb .
17 ‘ Efter we get alang here a wee bit , ye come tae a loch , then roon' the bend is a castle , then we cairry oan up the road a bit till we cam tae anither loch … ’
18 ‘ If you stay here a bit longer , ’ Tremayne said , ‘ and if you ride schooling satisfactorily , I do n't see why you should n't eventually have a mount in an amateur race , if you put your mind to it . ’
19 Stay here a moment and I will try to persuade her to see you — For what it 's worth , you have my blessing , but the decision is hers , of course . ’
20 Arriving at Verdun in May , he found the unit he was relieving had lost forty per cent of its effectives ; ‘ If you stay here a month , which is normal , ’ they warned him , ‘ you will lose half of yours too . ’
21 For completeness , we interpolate here a brief discussion of the reverse procedure : it was shown in §1.19 and Theorem V of §1.22 that a matrix can always be factorised into two symmetric matrices , but the subject was not pursued there .
22 Come here a lot , do you ? ’
23 And erm come here a young girl and a baby , and helping to install her in in on one of the flats , and just sort of e th there was something erm happened to be wrong with one of the rubbish chutes at that time , and we were actually kicking our way through rubbish on the stairs , erm near the chute to get erm to come up .
24 Come here a minute , Peter , ’ she said .
25 ‘ Leave that and come here a moment . ’
26 Come here a minute Karen .
27 Danny , come here a minute love .
28 you come , you come with me a second , just come here a second with me , you just stand beside me , come here , oh poor Richard
29 Come here a minute
30 Stephen come here a minute .
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