Example sentences of "[vb base] could be " in BNC.

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1 They plan to march through Banbury led by a procession of funeral bearers to signify what they say could be the death of the hospital .
2 Studies in the Journal of the American Medical Association say men who smoke could be doubling the risk of developing cataracts in later life , while women smokers could be increasing their chances by more than 150 per cent .
3 Those who smoke could be cutting their fertility by up to a third .
4 Copies of the leaflet , headlined ‘ Help Yourself Unlimited ’ , are believed to have been circulated in London shops as a prelude to what shopkeepers fear could be a campaign of organised theft .
5 In so far as the members of the professions themselves believed in such an ideal and oriented their behaviour in accordance with it ( and therefore against pure self-interest ) , they created the conditions under which trust could be offered and accepted .
6 Without engaging in speculation , it can be said that relationships of this type might have acted as a channel for ideas and opinions and represented a means by which influence could be exerted .
7 Of course , when one was a child many years ago winter could be an advantage , and if the storm was bad enough they had to close the school , which was wonderful .
8 The things you describe could be classed as fraud and harassment maybe , but in fact there is a murder involved . ’
9 This was long before all things that girls wear could be studied and were exhibited on the way up the escalator at Piccadilly Underground .
10 The type of activities you enjoy could be an important consideration in choosing where you will live .
11 Henceforward lie could be assured that a King 's Party would get nowhere in Parliament .
12 Indeed , figures have been put forward in the US that suggest that maybe 40% of all documents currently typeset could be output in this way .
13 Those who attend could be : the resident , community nurse , social worker , the key worker or care assistant and a senior staff member .
14 Unfortunately , this means that any residential building you design could be littered with satellite dishes in no time at all .
15 maybe DOL could be used in a coaching role ? ?
16 From both the training and farm point of view it was important to know how easily release could be obtained from the off-farm job .
17 Liz , from King 's Lynn , Norfolk , said : ‘ I am just sorry that families we know could be going through the same feelings we had when our men left for the Gulf .
18 I 'm not but I you know could be .
19 You know could be I 'll I 'll a large part of it may I do n't know whether all of it but a large part of it will be here 's the English for you know that sort of thing .
20 ‘ Are you honestly trying to suggest that a drugs ring could be operating right under my nose without my knowledge ? ’
21 He added : ‘ The region has looked at what we argued for : the uses to which sludge could be put .
22 The danger with that we believe could be that we would set a date for the merger and take all the important issues and discussions , how many regions will it have will we have , the those regions and a hundred and one other problems raised by that merger into a tight timescale .
23 I refer to the problems in the system which I believe could be avoided .
24 In March , 1988 he uncovered the fossil remains of a 340 million year old lizard-like reptile which some experts believe could be the earliest known ancestor of dinosaurs .
25 The set of individuals who sprint could be said to be included in the set of individuals who run .
26 According to the Keynesians , unemployment rose when demand was too low , but fortunately demand could be stimulated by lowering taxes or increasing public expenditure .
27 But if Russia falls into anarchy or lurches back into despotism the price that we pay could be frightening . ’
28 Giving employees a greater say in how their companies operate could be an important step towards such a goal , but Laing is opposed to the appointment of worker directors , as is the practice in Scandinavia .
29 Produce could be moved more rapidly and in a fresher state by truck .
30 After twenty-four hours , the presumption was that the detainee had to be released : it was only if the offence ‘ appeared to be a serious one that police bail could be postponed .
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