Example sentences of "[vb base] n't [been] " in BNC.

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1 I 'ave n't been back to Tyler 's 'ard from that day to this — I could n't bear to .
2 I have n't been doing much baking lately . ’
3 ‘ I have n't been sleeping well , lately . ’
4 We have n't been able to locate anyone who makes exactly that bird house ( it may even have been especially made ) .
5 I have n't been very successful with my aubergines the last couple of years , as they keep being eaten by caterpillars .
6 ‘ No , ’ said Lucy , ‘ I have n't been fair to you .
7 Thirdly , the coach is in the business of picking winners , not his friends , so if you have n't been selected , you have to admit to yourself that perhaps you did n't deserve to be .
8 I have n't been in the least difficult about your doing all that sewing .
9 ‘ Amanda , I have n't been sleeping well . ’
10 Here , you have n't been drinking . ’
11 I continue to be surprised all those little panes of glass have n't been smashed in , but a metal door comes down at night and the neighbourhood is full of tourists anyway .
12 ‘ It 's because I have n't been winning for a while and I am desperate .
13 ‘ The most difficult thing in a situation like this , ’ says Jacques , ‘ is to find words that have n't been used already in a Feydeau farce , ’ as though imitating Feydeau 's words and situations was something that any fool could do .
14 One song reveals the damaging influence on their minds of their sojourn in London : ‘ Soccer Fan ’ is a peon of praise to Everton 's midfield cruncher , Norman Whiteside. l CURIOSITY KILLED THE CAT Get Ahead ( Mercury ) You can tell that Curiosity Killed The Cat have n't been around for some time .
15 Surely the old Frenchman and his family have n't been killed !
16 ‘ They have n't been in touch with me since so I 'm wondering what they 're going to do about it , ’ said Stuart .
17 I have n't been to an organized campsite for perhaps fifteen years , so all this is new to me .
18 ‘ Mike , ’ he said , ‘ I wonder if we have n't been starting from the wrong end .
19 ‘ Of course I have n't been in any rackets .
20 ‘ You have n't been waiting here since school ended , have you ?
21 ‘ They have n't been restored or retouched .
22 ‘ Mr O'Shea , ’ she said sternly , ‘ you have n't been doing your exercises properly . ’
23 ‘ You have n't been that long away . ’
24 I have n't been selling snide Rolexes for nothing , you know . ’
25 ‘ We have n't been able yet to speak to Miss Morgan 's solicitor , ’ he observed .
26 Bumper stickers proclaim ‘ Honk if you have n't been indicted ’ .
27 For a long time now , they have n't been looking at each other .
28 ‘ Do you think I have n't been over every inch of that argument a million times ?
29 It 's these unexploded shells , quite a number littered about and we have n't been allowed down there for so long , it 's all barbed wire , I believe .
30 ‘ Why do n't you tell me about it ? — Sorry I have n't been around for the last couple of days .
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