Example sentences of "[vb base] at and " in BNC.

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1 You will soon get a feel for the speed you walk at and be able to judge different walking paces ( 2.5 , 3.0 , 3.5 , 4.0 m.p.h . ) .
2 By a notice of motion dated 11 September 1985 George Albert Auger , the trustee in bankruptcy of Winston Lloyd Dennis sought against Stuart Bernard Goodman and Hilgay Archer , the executors of the will of the wife of the bankrupt , and the bankrupt ( 1 ) a declaration that the trustee was in the events which , had happened solely and beneficially entitled as trustee of the property of the bankrupt to the property situate at and known as 100 , Gurney Road , West Ham , London E.15 registered at H.M. Land Registry and comprised in Title No .
3 There 's lots of new plays being written that I look at and say ‘ Oh yes — there 's lots of opportunities there ’ .
5 The parents can join in the play and reduce the level of attention given to not eating , but look at and smile when their children are putting food near or in their mouth .
6 look at and browse and take the information that they want rather than putting what sounds to me a lot of work on some
7 staff do understand er I , I mean I wonder how many of our staff understand how much detail we look at and have available ?
8 Doing away with heft commissions , not having to wait six weeks or more to be paid , and , most rewardingly , meeting the people who actually look at and buy artworks , make the inevitable disruption a small price to pay .
9 If you get a four paragraph story on the letters page , you 're home , if you 've got a full page or a two paragraph story on the sports page , you should go out and celebrate and , because those are the ones that people read and look at and that 's what 's important to them and that 's you know that 's that message that you .
10 The irony is primarily at the expense of Mrs Moreen ( a lady less refined than she would like to appear ) , and secondarily at the expense of Pemberton ( whom we smile at and with over his impotence to get at the information he wants ) .
11 What Gandhi may be indicating by this reference to the convertibility of the terms means and ends in his thought is that our religious and ethical ideals not only inform the ends we aim at and endeavour to attain , but also the means we employ to reach them .
12 And he was looking forward again : " I do n't feel I 've ever got to the point I aim at and I do n't think I ever will , but I would like to feel that I was getting a little nearer to it each time . "
13 In practice , most people who work with mentally handicapped people both laugh at and with them , and refute the attitude that this is an exclusively sober and serious subject .
14 To be labelled a hunk is to be the kind of image that girls can talk about , laugh at and giggle over together .
15 Together they laugh at and take to pieces these images of masculinity , rather than sexualising and adoring them .
16 It is wiping sick from the carpet , worrying about the size of my thighs , being woken in the night by a crying baby and meeting my children from school that I want to remember , laugh at and celebrate .
17 One , that many trade unionists work at and there 's a threat to their jobs and a threat to their future careers .
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