Example sentences of "[vb base] in another " in BNC.

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1 When for once the tide runs in the reverse direction we get a new view of our own cookery , and a revealing insight into the oddness of traditional names as they appear in another language .
2 The goalkeeper on that fateful day in ‘ 54 was Fred Martin of Aberdeen , a talented but unfortunate keeper who let in another seven goals the following year against England at Wembley .
3 Put in another way , force is underpinned by dominant values extensively shared by the population and which support the operation of the state .
4 Put in another way , the same smoothing recipe applied to different time series will produce different resulting shapes for the smooth , which , as we shall see in the next chapter , is not the case when fitting straight lines .
5 Put in another way the proposal is that a man should seek to know and fully understand the criteria which determine his thoughts and actions .
6 After that I put in another fast lap and coasted from there on . ’
7 we put in another hundred francs apiece
8 Immediately you put in another claim , and the insurance company turns round and says hard luck mate , you 've signed away to say that was the settlement for that injury for once and all time and we wo n't accept another claim for the same injury .
9 Suck in one place and dump in another , and you have the basis of a refrigerator .
10 ‘ Life in Christ ’ and hope in another world bring ease and refinement into a mere struggle for existence , calming the restless craving after the good things of this world by an ‘ other worldliness ’ and making failure a ‘ means of grace ’ instead of a despicable want of success
11 There are no proposals to safeguard consumers who shop in another EC country .
12 Maybe I could come in and check it out while you wait in another room . ’
13 where I stand in another life ,
14 Chester-le-Street and Durham meet in another top-of-the-table clash in the Second Division .
15 the other option of course is not to do that and to try and gain some experience erm m maybe voluntary for some of the time so that maybe I can then spend you know in another years time get a job which is a bit more relevant and I 'll be able to earn some money .
16 Reaching Ruth 's area , she saw the beads and bells , clock and paintings , sear in another flash .
17 Erm I mean in another year er hopefully it comes out of the profit margin .
18 A human touch was added to Nash 's report : ‘ I could heartily wish more respect were paid to the remains of this amiable though unfortunate Queen , and would willingly , with proper leave , have them wrapt in another sheet of lead and coffin , and decently interred in some proper place , that at least after her death her body might remain in peace ; whereas the Chapel where she now lies is used for the keeping of rabbits , which make holes and scratch very indecently about her Royal corpse . ’
19 An age in which people , who talk in one way , and machines , which talk in another , can begin a fruitful dialogue .
20 Go in another five ch'i .
21 Davide , after returning from America , had lost his bump of locality for his native place ; when the plan showed a turning one way , he missed it , or found he wanted to walk back where he had come from , or go in another direction altogether .
22 It is as if strict legal considerations seem to pull in one direction , while supposedly practical policy considerations point in another .
23 The international comparison further helps to pick out significant aspects of family and culture which are taken for granted in one country , yet differ in another .
24 Doubts about the ability of the system to survive arise in another context , namely that of ecology and pollution .
25 Because of the differences between life in various parts of the world , we can not escape the responsibility which accompanies the knowledge that a thoughtless or uncaring attitude in one area may seriously affect those who live in another .
26 He 's made us really meet real people , you know what I mean , people with handicapped children , and to me I find them more real than some of my friends that live in another world , fantasising about the future , you know , ‘ What 's the kids going to be when they grow up ? ’
27 The effect as a whole is like that of A Midsummer Night 's Dream , where pairs of lovers wander in another enchanted wood , their paths crossed and tangled by puck , Oberon , Titania and the infatuating Bully Bottom .
28 Exceptions like the Godmanchester ‘ Basilica ’ clearly belong in another sphere .
29 Perhaps , they probably think in another hundred and fifty years that slang will be the , the vocabulary of you know
30 If she did ask it would encourage another bout of confidences and result in another round of their sparring .
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