Example sentences of "[vb base] of these " in BNC.

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1 Such being the direct evidence for contacts between Greeks and Jews before the time of Alexander , we ask the obvious question : what did Greeks and Jews make of these various opportunities for meeting and knowing each other As for the Greeks , the answer is simple .
2 But enormous numbers of sufferers from Chemical Dependency , a treatable condition , die of these secondary physical consequences while their primary addictive disease remains undiagnosed or inappropriately-treated .
3 In the earlier books of the Old Testament we read of these evil spirits ( I Sam .
4 The rhetoric of most Third World governments and radical researchers on the damage done by FDI in general and specific TNCs in particular , seems at odds with the almost universal scramble of these same Third World governments advised by ( in some cases ) the same radical researchers to create policies to attract more and more FDI into their countries .
5 Happily , many drinks are calorie-free or near enough not to matter , and you can drink as much as you like of these ( see Chapter 11 and the Drinks Calorie Chart ) .
6 What does man know of these longer aeons ?
7 The Great Ones know of these people , and consider them a danger ; that much I know . ’
8 He was concentrating furiously now , for , he thought , if I know of these places , then surely it must be because people have been able to talk of them .
9 ‘ You hear of these stories , ’ Ben said softly — making her wonder , briefly , if he did know what he held .
10 you hear of these things do n't you ?
11 I 'll bet they hear of these mini breaks through the wh I ca n't remember
12 The scriptures which tell of these events through which God is known become a unique book .
13 Edward Thomas may not have known that he was also making an ecological point when he pinned down so precisely the atmosphere and feel of these places :
14 The consistency in the build quality and feel of these two instruments is such that the only real difference lies in their pickup configurations ; swap one to the other and the EG-1 would become the EG-2 and vice-versa .
15 You you ti , you tithe of your parsley , and your thyme , and your sage , yo you tithe of these things , when you , when you go and pick ten figs , you give one fig to th to God , you tithe of that but you 've left the weightier things undone .
16 Think of these last few days .
17 I would be most interested in what readers and teams think of these ideas for a progressive solution to a vexing problem .
18 Think of these brilliant , warm-coloured , richly warbling birds , birds of paradise , dainty-footed , downy-clad , in the midst of a New England , a Canadian winter .
19 To sit down in meditation and think of these mystical ideas is to poise oneself for the transcendent journey .
20 I think of these schemata as one from of the gardens of the mystics for images like flowers are transplanted to our mental gardens .
21 But now I think of these ideas as coming from a principle far more subtle .
22 When I think of these schemata , I see bright images like the constellations of the heavens .
23 A dish in any Pacific city east of the longitude of Mexico City — Lima , say , or Quito , or Santiago — will be cranked down in the direction of an equally low point on the eastern horizon — for just as American naval vessels involved in exercises off the Pacific coasts of Peru , Ecuador or Chile are regarded as being part of the US Atlantic Fleet , so communicators , for reasons of pure geometry , think of these countries ' capital cities as part of the Atlantic communications network .
24 ‘ Whenever you flex your fingers , think of these !
25 Think of these as the troops who will do most of the real fighting .
26 What do other members think of these issues ?
27 It 's , tonight it 's , think of these as a sort of temperature numbers that , try , try these , it starts at plus three tonight and then it drops five degrees , plus three and it drops five degrees , what does it come to ?
28 You think of these
29 Suppose we think of these data as representing the marks of 50 students in statistics examinations ; the variable x , gives the marks at a Christmas examination and y gives the marks of the same students at Easter , the overall correlation being 0.523 .
30 when you think of these er music boxes like George 's got and you see on telly
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