Example sentences of "[vb base] i put " in BNC.

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1 Er cos er my son-in-law I mean I put on the form right I 've got no children right .
2 And I mean I put an asterisk down there to say that 's what I thought was going to come out quite heavily simply because this is is the case on these courses , you know the people that we get on these courses every single one of these that we 've had , and we must have had coming up to what over ten now , every single one we 've had people that the most the majority of people have had team work very high on the score .
3 I have n't got fat legs really , I mean I put stockings on and a short skirt and I put something long on and from the back Russell said you look skinny he says , when you turn round and you see that
4 It does n't matter anyway , I mean I put er
5 These er er orders today are n't based on a thorough inquiry er into how audits on the the financial institutions are conducted , what 's wrong with them , what goes wrong , not even a thorough er inquiry into what happened in the B C C I case , er we ca n't legislate , we ca n't legi or regulate I put it without er er er a thorough inquiry and yet here we have er orders brought in er without inquiry .
6 Well I put I put all these questions about erm have you witnessed violence or not I put
7 No you see when I put I put it up
8 ‘ I 've played for Utah Jazz against the very best in America — including Magic Johnson and Michael Jordan — in front of 40,000 fans and I only hope I put that experience to good use .
9 Look I put my finger in your mouth erm if I ever get stuck .
10 And we 've , you know I put down two hundred and fifty pounds .
11 He said I know I put it on full power .
12 cos I know I put them in
13 Er we you know I put it away to bring it out , out in here ?
14 Well I know I put them both there together ready for this morning .
15 I suppose I put it to him hoping for some response .
16 Local I suppose I put
17 ‘ I believe I put the above into a memo addressed to Donald Wilson whom I had appointed as my Head of Serials .
18 It was a headline that did it , I think I put something like , ‘ Like Lambrettas To The Slaughter ’ …
19 I think I put your ideas up cos I wan na get that done , bit
20 Anyway , all I can say is , I did make some notes somewhere , I think I put them in my pocket , or maybe ( silence ) .
21 L : I think I put it in the wash .
22 People think I put it there as a piece of pop art to decorate the room .
23 . If there are bits that you do n't understand and you 're having trouble , give me a phone , I think I put my phone number on the board , give me a ring at home , give me a ring at Aston or come and see me or go and chat to your friends or go go and look at a text book but if that does n't help , then come back , right ?
24 In any event , I think I put this to you financial status , okay , so you 've got a job and you 've got er er a reasonable income , what financial status straightforward thing that financial status does n't say what your outgoings are .
25 Yeah you know you think I put the phone down
26 I think I put my name first or is it mummy 's so I can use
27 No , I think I put it on the er window sill somewhere
28 I ca n't hide , I ca n't hide I think I put new actually .
29 I think I put a nine in the box .
30 Yet one must also beware of the sort of patronising attitude nicely expressed in the film of The Go-Between , when the silly sprig of the Big House observes , after an exchange with the lusty Alan Bates , ‘ I think I put him at his ease , do n't you ? ’
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