Example sentences of "[vb base] for those " in BNC.

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1 As luck would have it , my best friend is the most wonderful cook in the world , and her contributions to any cottage holiday more than compensate for those who come with a tin of sardines in tomato sauce and a Pot Noodle .
2 He thought : He has acquired the mystique of the story-teller and , glancing at the ring of fire-lit and intent faces , he was suddenly reminded of his first village school , of the children clustered round Miss Douglas at three o'clock on a Friday afternoon for the half hour of story-time , and felt a pang of pain and regret for those lost days of innocence and love .
3 It wor i I mean for those it did work
4 Oh you mean for those ramblers ?
5 VECTOR is a specially designed bank account for those customers who expect to be overdrawn regularly ;
6 What sanction does the right hon. Gentleman suggest for those who persistently flout the view of the court that somebody is able to pay but refuses to do so ?
7 The furore was increased by the ham-fisted police hunt for those responsible .
8 The Chamber Choir and the Renaissance Singers provide for those interested in joining smaller choirs .
9 If anything I think women 's education now has to compensate a little erm and provide for those areas in which women start in a way that could be considered a handicap to men .
10 The answer is you send for those very , very nice man [ and women ] from THORP Site Design Office .
11 It can cause disruption for their family and worry for those around .
12 ‘ although in the Act of 1990 Parliament introduced a new statutory machinery for supervising and regulating the rules for education and conduct for those who are to have rights of audience in the courts it decided not to interfere expressly with the jurisdiction of the Inns , under the supervision of the judges , to decide who were fit and proper persons to be admitted to the Inns for training or their liberty to decide the criteria which should dictate their admissions policy .
13 The undertaking of the welfare of illegitimate children of soldiers who had been killed , the organization of accommodation and support for those evacuated from the western borders of the Reich already in autumn 1939 , or the administration of packages to be sent to relatives at the Front , were all tasks which fell to the Nazi welfare organization , the NSV .
14 Whether or not people who feel suicidal require specialist mental health services — and many do not — the criminal justice system should be able to provide protection , care and support for those in its charge .
15 According to , ‘ this provides early support for those that need it and is cost-effective for the company , because an employee is back to productivity sooner and there is no extended sick leave ’ .
16 In the Easter Island Gully area , George Smith free climbed the start of Wandering Wall and continued up the wall above to give The Ragged Runnel , E5 6a , quoted as ‘ not superseding Wandering Wall … merely an alternative exploit for those without fishing rods ! ’
17 But it 's a long wait for those affected by the virus .
18 And get out there and run for those who ca n't .
19 And get out there and run for those who ca n't .
20 This was a natural enough view for those who remembered his tariff opinions before the war , his stout defence of Ulster and his diehard opinions in 1911 .
21 Oyster and blackbean bottled sauces ( look for those without monosodium glutamate ) are classic standbys — add either to stir-fried , shredded ginger root , garlic , canned water chestnut , baby sweetcorn , bamboo shoots and a few soaked Chinese dried mushrooms .
22 The central theme of the Unit 's philosophy is that there is only one science , no matter how finely disciplines have become subdivided ( largely for administrative purposes ) over the years , and so we look for those research proposals which are naturally and freely expressed .
23 She would take herself out to lunch and do some shopping , look for those new lampshades that were needed for one of the spare rooms .
24 If you continue to buy canvas boards , look for those which are advertised as non-warping .
25 The rock-climber is held on a rope by clipping himself on to a harness thingy ( if you 've come to this book for technical information , boy are you going to be disappointed ) that straps round his thighs and crotch , so as a quick guide to who the climbers are in the pub , just watch for those who seem to be constantly fiddling around in their genital area .
26 There 'll be eight games from Good Friday to Easter Sunday , with accommodation and between-venues travel for those seeking it and ground hoppers social evenings on Friday and Saturday .
27 This project aims to explore what teachers implementing the programmes assume about the way children learn , how they interpret the differences among their pupils ( in the new atmosphere which emphasises ‘ attainment targets ’ ) and the ways in which they cater for those differences .
28 What then does care by the community imply for those who choose to live in it ?
29 when buying paper products opt for those made with recycled paper , ie toilet paper , stationery , tissues .
30 In seeking committee positions , most will at least in part opt for those which match their personal political interests — someone interested in foreign affairs , for example , would probably not actively canvass for a seat on the House standing committee concerned with the Post Office and the Civil Service .
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