Example sentences of "[det] ['s] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One creature 's poison is another 's meat .
2 This incident is bound to re-activate the old controversy about sex education , namely that one person 's information is another 's propaganda .
3 The young men of my own age twirling their canes , pushing into one another sideways , tilting one another 's hats , made me angry — was it because they at least had achieved contentment , and I only contempt ?
4 Through drama , individuals are provided with the opportunity to perceive the world from another 's position : with sensitive direction , for example , a pupil with physical handicaps can interact and learn with others on an equal level .
5 In those days the warriors fought by day — in the open — and at night they dressed one another 's wounds .
6 A company of porcupines crowded themselves together one cold winter 's day so as to profit from one another 's warmth and so save themselves from being frozen to death .
7 For one litter of kittens to encounter another , or for one nursing mother to come close to another 's nest , would be a rare occurrence .
8 Pilots and controllers in the Channel Islands understand one another 's problems very well and in a way which is perhaps without parallel in British civil aviation .
9 They met workers from other occupations and other areas ; they swapped stories , shared jokes and learned about one another 's problems .
10 ‘ I do n't know … you work with someone , you think you know them , but how little any of us really understand another 's problems … ’
11 Twenty-four young people — four each from Scotland , China and Hong Kong , as well as South Africa , Japan and Canada — will learn and train together , and share one another 's cultures .
12 Although everyone has the innate capacity to love and to enjoy another 's happiness as well as their own , and to get themselves loved and their happiness enjoyed by others , not everyone can risk the experience in adult life .
13 There is also a simple desire to enhance one 's own well-being by widening the contrast with another 's distress ; and this too attracts towards his viewpoint , since it is only in awareness from other personal or temporal viewpoints that one 's well-being is experienced as relative arousing envy of another 's happiness or nostalgia for one 's own in the past .
14 Then , some kid put another 's handwork down
15 They tear at the patterns on one another 's fins .
16 It grew up as a series of local conventions , through people responding to one another 's behaviour ; the individual soldiers were probably hardly aware that the growing up was going on .
17 In their gorgeous knitted sweaters , these youngsters had far more in common with their Scandinavian cousins than with their fellow countrymen on the school ship from West Ham — though the two British groups got on fine , expressing mutual wonder at one another 's behaviour .
18 On the other hand , we can choose to use our free will for inner and outer growth , to bring about change that does not impinge upon another 's space .
19 One man 's standard may be another 's nightmare . ’
20 To be sure , one man 's meat is another 's nightmare .
21 Furthermore , when visiting our local dominance and submission sex club , we are warned that ‘ master/mistress never initiates eye contact with another 's slave ’ .
22 THE Prince and Princess of Wales tried to steal one another 's thunder yesterday as they swapped traditional roles .
23 over another 's solitude
24 And they kill from spite : they despise the colour of another 's skin and resent the way another worships God .
25 What is also important , of course , and this we have barely begun to tackle , is that disparate partnership ventures learn of one another 's existence , learn from one another and have some sense of their specific contribution to the wider vision .
26 to the place where another 's existence
27 The stronger , less compromising , position is that it is enough to have a problem , possibly due to lack of data or thrown up by another 's findings , and plausible ways of solving it .
28 Production externalities occur when decisions by one producer affect the production costs of another producer directly , as when one firm pollutes another 's water supply .
29 They kept their eyes open , to see into one another 's hearts .
30 It follows that attempting to reduce error rates by one person checking another 's performance or automatically comparing the output of the individuals simultaneously performing the same task is not as effective as it would be if errors in the sources were independent ( Chapanis et al . ,
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