Example sentences of "[det] [vb mod] be " in BNC.

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1 A newly arrived unskilled Mediterranean worker living in a run-down neighbourhood in a Scandinavian city is more likely to feel , and appear , in some significant ways more socially incompetent that a middle-class , professional native living in the suburbs : even though the boundaries for each may be comparable in kind and number , for the skilled and socialised native the boundaries be relatively more open than for the unskilled and unsocialised gästarbetare .
2 Since aspects of each can be understood better in the light of their absence , each may be noticed more when it is not there than when it is .
3 The three other prints will then be available to you on the same basis and each may be paid for in the same way .
4 We have seen how the vibration frequencies may be observed and how each may be allocated to a particular symmetry species .
5 Neither may be prepared to give ground and the ferret , since it is unable to pass around the rabbit immediately in front of it , can do nothing .
6 Once both do , neither may be so willing to be bullied .
7 The woman may think she is no longer desired but neither may be able to discuss what is happening .
8 It is sometimes quite hard for a person to do the unconventional , but that may be the only safe option .
9 However that may be , there are reasons for thinking that the abandonment of England , and of any hopes for her , was not much less momentous for Pound than it is for his English readers .
10 That may be true in general , but the other side of the coin is that Britain expects change in return , and puts on tremendous pressure to get that change , ’ one official said .
11 All of that may be so .
12 In turn , that may be damaging child health care in the county .
13 The truth is that a whiff of counter-revolution is hard to find — dismaying though that may be for party propagandists .
14 Lord Lane said : ‘ No mention is to be made of any of the facts upon which these three orders were founded until after the conclusion of the last of the three trials involved , whenever that may be . ’
15 Further investigation suggests that while that may be part of the story it is almost certainly not all of it .
16 Indeed that may be a more subtle form of propaganda than a constant barrage of criticism .
17 That may be true , but in 1987 hostile interviews with Neil Kinnock trying to explain his party 's defence policy counted as part of the Labour Party 's coverage .
18 RAF Swinderby was ‘ contractorised ’ as far back as the 1960s because the ending of National Service led to a shortage of cooks and stewards and now ther are probably about a score of units which work a mainly 9–5 day , or where the numbers are fairly small , that may be most suitable for ‘ contractorising ’ .
19 That may be self-effacing , but the honesty and humour with which this autobiography is laced make it entertaining .
20 That may be an arresting statement , but it is hardly an exaggerated description of what they did .
21 The common earthworm can be anything from four inches to a foot long , and many people claim to have seen worms 20 inches long , but that may be stretching a point .
22 That may be a tenable position for the Soviet Union , but not for Britain , which has committed itself repeatedly to accepting both self-determination for the German people and a re-united Germany if this is what self- determination leads to .
23 That may be wrong .
24 That may be wrong .
25 That may be too optimistic , since directors facing competing offers might well be influenced by the fact that one offer comes from their mates .
26 That may be his paramount qualification for ‘ going to the Castle ’ , but some of the others seem hardly less important .
27 That may be why Mr Houghton has given the job of turning round the kitchenware business to Richard Dulude .
28 If he still appears a hero to some , that may be something the world can live with : for all his defiance , he will have thrown away everything Iraq gained from its eight-year war with Iran , and swallowed many mouthfuls of words about Kuwait remaining Iraq 's 19th province for ever and a day .
29 However that may be , the entrepreneurs do have powerful friends in Bangkok : the finance minister has an interest in the glass industry ; the interior minister has an interest in soda ash .
30 The Italians want such a group created right away , the British once the region 's disputes are settled ( whenever that may be ) .
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