Example sentences of "[det] [is] one " in BNC.

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1 That s one reason we suffered last year .
2 They are definately due a penalty now — that s one whole game without one .
3 This is one lesson that could save their lives .
4 This is one of the many books which address the snobbery of the English , which flash at their readers the lawns of country houses , the baize of gambling-tables , which tell tales of those virtuosos of ostentation and disregard who have in common a contempt for commonness , for the middle class ; and it could be said of such books that their chief resource is the eccentricity which has long amounted to a convention of upper-class life .
5 This is one field of higher education where in some cases the fees from the overseas student are no higher than they are for British nationals .
6 This is one of the great roles for a black actor ( not that black actors in these days are not eligible to play practically any character in Shakespeare , with the exception of Desdemona ! ) .
7 This is one of the special characteristics of catholicism , and is found to a much lesser extent in non-episcopal traditions .
8 This is one of the effects of lack of oxygen , but also of dehydration at the end of a long day 's excitement .
9 This is one of the most dangerous faults and requires extra training to combat it .
10 This is one of two ways to place your opponent at a disadvantage without him even knowing about it .
11 If Let Us Compare Mythologies is a young man 's book , this is one ( though still of a young man , at 26 ) that offers poetic maturity , whose lyrics are charged with that mellow wistfulness , that trembling of angst , that vibration of incipient guilt and the plunging sensuality of a knowing , searching man ; a book whose range — for all that — is narrower than Let Us Compare Mythologies .
12 This is one of the things that philosophers mean when they say that our mental representations are ‘ opaque ’ : thoughts are ( necessarily partial ) representations of reality and therefore we can have one thought about a referent without having any access to another ( ‘ lover ’ / ‘ mother ’ ) .
13 And the finding that it takes 400 msec to generate the electrical activity associated with the meaning of visually presented words suggests that this is one of the most complex activities our perceptual systems are asked to perform .
14 This is one of the reasons why Chomsky ( 1959 ) was able to launch such a devastating attack on radical behaviourism .
15 This is one more benefit of being self-employed .
16 This is one of a series of free factsheets produced by Age Concern England .
17 This is one of BR 's regular steam hauled Sunday dining trains .
18 ‘ Help , this is one way … irreversible … layaways … finger tips … wrong way , ’ I shuffled and chalked , ‘ bloody hell that foothold 's too far away , way , way … done it . ’
19 A lot of information has been crammed into this guide and if you intend going to the Continent , then this is one item you should definitely put on your list of things to take .
20 This is one area where modern criticism has notably failed .
21 This is one significant difference between fiction and existence .
22 This is one of those English expressions so weathered that their emotional batteries are irretrievably flat but , from the lips of someone who spoke English with the cool precision of a fluent foreigner , the phrase was terribly affecting .
23 I 've found the increasing dogmatism and certainty that she 's right the most sinister thing about her because that so often goes with paranoid feelings , and it may be that this is one manifestation of that .
24 This is one of many gems to be found in Janacek 's Uncollected Essays on Music .
25 This is one of three drawings of Lopokova by Picasso , the latter having come to London for the first time to work on designs and sets for Massine 's Le Tricorne , writes Joanna Gibbon .
26 This is one reason why the DSS has never paid this subsidy to single parent families .
27 Therefore , the existence of atrocity stories on subjects such as this does not of itself reveal that this work is emotionally undemanding ; simply that this is one impression that the story is intended to convey .
28 With that in mind when you approach them , stress that this is one of your first gigs and you are going to get all your family and friends along to support you .
29 This is one example of the union ‘ leading by example ’ .
30 Of the few central beliefs uniting the various post-structuralisms ( and connecting them with post/modernism ) this is one of the most important : human identity is to be seen as constituted as well as constitutive ; constituted ( not determined ) by , for example , the pre-existing structures of language and ideology , and by the material conditions of human existence .
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