Example sentences of "[det] [vb base] you " in BNC.

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1 ‘ So what does all this make you , Mathilda , my dear ?
2 ‘ I 've still got some influence you know , dear .
3 Unfortunately some users are taught that they need to create frames for everything and the problems that can arise from having one set of frames interact with another make you wonder how anybody ever manages to produce a correctly aligned publication .
4 This bring you to the main designing screen .
5 Everybody seems to give a different answer , some say ‘ yes , ’ some say , ‘ no ’ and some say you have to get a licence .
6 This is some place you 've got here , Malamute . ’
7 Whereas most Windows word processors allow you to import graphics onto the page , and some let you draw onto the page , WSWIN allows you to treat text — in any font you have available to you — as a graphic .
8 Done there was a our school dinners today I went into this give you four pounds back I get twenty two pounds sixty Have you got two tens in change of a twenty ?
9 ‘ What is this enjoy you 're always going on about ? ’
10 You can make this tell you much more about your machine by using the command PROMPT .
11 There 's plenty of information on the packs but few tell you exactly how much sugar is present .
12 I 've known a few like you . ’
13 Some allow you to change virtually everything yourself , while others need the supplier to make the most minor changes to the system .
14 ‘ Did you know ’ , Mrs Phelps said , ‘ that public libraries like this allow you to borrow books and take them home ? ’
15 If you eat the right foods and take some exercise you will begin to understand and know your body better and you will be able to discern something that is just a muscular ache from carrying heavy shopping from a pain that you have never encountered before .
16 calling out some comment you just missed .
17 When you go back after half term you 'll be able to show Karen and Carol and Mrs
18 Do n't be tempted to get a boot several sizes larger than you normally need to get the correct width fitting ; a boot that is too long will not be comfortable , and after some use you will find that the leather will stretch and your foot will not be properly supported .
19 I stared at him and this close you could see that he was young .
20 Having seen all this do you still believe in God ? ’
21 Were looking at the body beautiful and what we do to achieve it , we all arrived in the world with more or less the same package of features , limbs , faces , torso 's , since then , all of us I bet have tried to improve or disguise the way we look , what do we do ? , why do we do it ? , well let's start with a few questions , er , are you , well let me ask you this do you have a beautiful body ? , button one for yes , and button two for no
22 No I do n't think it 's this do you ?
23 Carrots and meat and good stuff , and then they used to put a little flour to thicken it like this do you see , with a big spoon like that .
24 Erm , why is he telling all Nick this do you think ?
25 After all that trauma I think I deserve this do you ?
26 You like this do you ?
27 Do you want this do you , anywhere ?
28 Right now where we gon na put this do you think to melt it ?
29 You go like this do you ?
30 This is crap this Do you know what a flat , a top roof flat roofed houses you ca n't have a mortgage .
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