Example sentences of "[det] [det] were " in BNC.

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1 No that that were my mistake that .
2 well Hampshire was supposed to have some more were n't they ?
3 Would that such were here !
4 In the first outbreak it was estimated that no more than one per cent of the entire rabbit population survived , and these few were either immune or out of contact with other rabbits .
5 These latter were nearly all middle-aged or C3 with bad eyesight , so the outlook was not exactly exhilarating .
6 Apart from any need to counter persistent infringement of the rules of dress and display , the number of enactments is indicative of considerable uncertainty , for not only did the legislature feel impelled to extend the terminology of rank with monetary equivalents , these latter were made the subject of continual amendment within the broad permanent framework .
7 These latter were envisaged as being the CNAA and the universities .
8 Rather , the argument was that industrialism was giving rise to new , and massive , urban concentrations and these latter were having distinct social effects .
9 While participating Law Lords agreed with one another more frequently than they disagreed , the authors of the survey list thirteen items between 1956 and 1967 where there was a substantial measure of disagreement and of these several were not matters of technical law .
10 Following from this the aim was that the project should collaborate with existing service-providers in order to ensure that there was no overlap or competition with others but that all were working together for the good of the client ; and that the project would , where necessary , coordinate the services available to each client and thus ensure an appropriate and suitably balanced package of care for that person .
11 as if all this were n't reason enough , there 's always the environment .
12 as if all this were not enough , schools have started managing their own financial affairs .
13 Informed sources in the Caribbean thought it likely that the political maneouvrings behind all this were by way of a reprisal for a report by Lord Avebury criticizing Forbes Burnham 's ruling party for election-rigging .
14 If all this were laid on with a trowel , the reader 's patience would quickly wear thin .
15 yet somehow the whole thing proceeds as though all this were the most natural thing in the world .
16 I remember when all this were nowt but fields , and people released simple horizontally scrolling blasters for the C64 .
17 She tried to look as though all this were normal .
18 Added to all this were wrangles over the Community Budget and the Common Agricultural Policy together with the protective responses which followed in the wake of the oil price recessions of the 1970s and growing foreign competition .
19 All these were homespun recipes , comforting rather than refined .
20 To read and write , to borrow books and debate , to study the sciences and learn a foreign tongue — all these were so many steps not of economic advancement but of human dignity .
21 All these were heresies from a Marxist standpoint but then Marx had not foreseen the coming of nuclear war .
22 Praise you , ‘ All these were lovely ’ ; say , ‘ He loved . ’
23 All these were recorded by Philip Miller in his Dictionary .
24 Her industrial codes , her laws , her ministries , her political and economic priorities , all these were in large measure adopted by the rest of Germany .
25 All these were investigated by MI5 , Special Branch and Scotland Yard .
26 All these were Rhoda 's pride and joy , and she would hardly spend two days away without them .
27 Not all these were imported to contribute to the breeding programme .
28 Crudely , the sense of blurred boundaries , of disrupted hierarchies , of disrespectful , intertextual playfulness , of the delight in superficiality and the wearing of cultural masks — all these were fundamental to the strategies of camp long before postmodernism lurched into view .
29 All these were Alec 's , I should add .
30 The genius of the nation , remarkable for its activity and its jealousy ; the general excellence of our education the universal influence of science ; our experience in agriculture ; and the number of horses and cattle , all these were earnests that would abundantly secure the success of the measure , if we should ever decide to adopt it .
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