Example sentences of "[det] [coord] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Leaseholders were found to have experienced a variety of problems with the management of their block , including failure on the landlord 's part to carry out repairs , too little or excessive refurbishment , estimates ‘ rigged ’ by landlords or managing agents , failure to consult leaseholders and difficulty in obtaining information about accounts and insurance .
2 Their cardinality can be one-to-one , one-to-many or many-to-many .
3 Forty nine pence each or four fifty for ten .
4 They cost a mere £2.50 each or five for a tenner ( cassette or disk ) .
5 ( I had better say now that readers who identify the I of the Sonnets with Shakespeare 's own personality not only encourage that futility of speculation about the identity of a real-life ‘ Friend ’ and ‘ Dark Lady ’ which has pestered discussions of these poems for so long , and is now in the last stages of senility ; but in so doing they also destroy one of the essential principles of literary criticism in modern times , the independence of the I in lyric poetry , its existence as a persona or mask behind which the poet is free to impersonate any human situation without being identified with each or all of the mutations — often contradictory — taken on by his persona . )
6 Paula and Louise had been nominated to sell the raffle tickets and did a round of the hall , flirting outrageously and telling all the boys the tickets were ‘ sixpence each or two shillings a strip ’ .
7 In a poem designed on such a scale ( and this evidence of ‘ design ’ on such a scale from the first is astonishing ) it was obviously illegitimate to look , as Edmund Wilson did , for emotional or affective unity in each or any Canto in isolation .
8 This is where the concept of social needs gains over that or legal rights , since social services are regarded as social utilities to be used by all individuals and families as necessary ( Smith , 1980 ; Wharf , 1985 ) .
9 Do you want that or eleven ?
10 Such was the enthusiasm generated by the thousands of kids at the game that a passer-by might have been forgiven for thinking that either Take That or New Kids On The Block were performing at Ibrox rather than Scotland 's football team .
11 They said that or two .
12 Similarly we are expected to understand the distinction between Atlantis qua actually existing and the idea of Atlantis as conceived by this , that or other person , writer , scholar .
13 Tom from Freeland , who has , as he said , erm some experience because he had erm been in the Middle East for some time , speaks Arabic and erm putting a very strong point there , if you 'd like to comment on that or other aspects of the Gulf erm conflict , do ring now , three double one , one double one .
14 But my opinion on this is really fairly redundant , because the people who are buying it are going to be pros — either that or seasoned bank robbers !
15 I mean if there are two or three days off during that or one day off you take for instance , as long as it 's fifteen working days .
16 Well they can physically do it to you with use of fists , use of hands and whatever else they 've got and they can mentally do it to you like put you in jail that or all sorts of things like when I was on sick leave , they came and lifted me .
17 Because we add up the probabilities , to find out the chances of getting that or that .
18 I might add that Filmer 's notion of dominion as originally granted to Adam included both ownership of property and authority over men and here Filmer was trading on erm erm the feudal tradition of erm property erm erm erm dominion erm entails that if you have property rights in a certain tract of territory you also have political authority over the people inhabiting that or that territory you know , think of a straightforward standard lord of the manor and his service you know , he has property rights in the territory , he also has authority over erm the individuals who live off that territory .
19 That or that door ?
20 Do you suppose that 's supposed to be dead straight that or twisted ?
21 So the maximum is nine that people can hold on to and the thing about nine of course is it splits up into three threes and that 's why I say some people will group a twelve number into four threes or something like that or three fours because they 're all well within this span of conception .
22 You do n't have to have the country house surrounded by untrodden snow , though you could still have that or some similar strictly physical limitation .
23 There is nothing which conflicts with the integrity of the United Kingdom in securing to Scotsmen in that or some other way an effective means of shaping the special legislation which affects them and only them .
24 In other words , it is permissible for a lawful user to decompile or disassemble a computer program to determine its interfaces if this is a necessary step in creating a new program which will interoperate ( interact ) with that or some other program .
25 It was either that or some whacking great palace out in the New Territories or one of the outlying islands . ’
26 I can do that ampersand that or those two cells have got range names the range names .
27 Section 4(2) of the Public Order Act 1986 extends the old Section 5 breach of the peace offence by providing : An offence under this section may be committed in a public or a private place , except that no offence is committed where the words or behaviour are used , or the writing , sign or other visible representation is distributed or displayed , by a person inside a dwelling and the other person is also inside that or another dwelling .
28 Note the offence can not be committed inside a dwelling when the other person is inside that or another dwelling .
29 This point means that under Section 5(2) and ( 3 ) an offence under this section may be committed in a public or private place , except that no offence is committed where the words or behaviour are used , or the writing , sign or other visible representation is displayed by a person inside a dwelling and the other person is also inside that or another dwelling .
30 ‘ ( 2 ) An offence under this section may be committed in a public or a private place , except that no offence is committed where the words or behaviour are used , or the writing , sign or other visible representation is distributed or displayed , by a person inside a dwelling and the other person is also inside that or another dwelling . ’
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