Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] they " in BNC.

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1 Since statements like ‘ God is Love ’ fall into neither category they are held to be meaningless .
2 In that instance they were unsuccessful , for the interest of Lord Milton and the Earl of Ilay was considerably stronger than that of the Haldanes , but the more attractive posts in the permanent garrison were always in demand from tradesmen in the town .
3 Well why did n't they get a mile away from where they put that money they could 've , they could 've been planned it away , a mile away all
4 As far as I know , Sainsburys have n't yet taken that decision they 've they 've hung on the brink for more than six months now .
5 Once armed with that freedom they might surprise Mr Cash by also seeking membership of the community .
6 Erm y'know that that sort of thing when they when they y'know when they might be , when they feel when they feel that some some other bloke 's making an approach to them , when they feel that er y'know erm somebody finds them attractive , when they think that some other bloke has made a pass at them or something like that y'know they sort of react in a hostile way but y'know there 's that suspicion that mm er y'know kind of er it 's because they 're insecure about their masculinity , it 's because they feel threatened or something like that .
7 At the same time , however , increased taxes on income mean that people derive less income for each hour they work and they may therefore decide to prefer leisure to work , i.e. work less — the substitution effect .
8 When they 'd all gone out she says er , what 's that noise they keep making ?
9 Under the legislation , manufacturers can claim a credit of 25 per cent of the market value for each computer they give away to schools .
10 With little money they required financial backing and Brunner 's high business reputation , no less than Mond 's scientific eminence , was crucial for their success .
11 Their grub was of the very healthiest — not like that shit they make you eat uptown .
12 Privately police officers have told us , decisions on cautioning can depend on how much or how little faith they have in the courts to pass adequate sentences , and on how much paper work is required for a prosecution .
13 In each case they inevitably begin to denigrate their opposite numbers for not doing ‘ real police work ’ .
14 A number of rarer departures from Mendel 's laws were found , and in each case they were able to find a corresponding abnormality in the chromosomes , of precisely the kind required to explain the genetic findings .
15 Even for the three vertebrate cases , the ways in which the wing is constructed are quite different , although in each case they are modifications of the same fundamental structure , the pentadactyl limb .
16 In all three studies , the children were selected to be as representative as possible and in each case they were asked to perform exhaustive intelligence tests and behavioural exercises .
17 In each case they have proved a potentially effective instrument for channelling productive local suggestions and for achieving sensible modifications in centrally designed materials .
18 In each case they run between the intersegmental folds or antecostae of successive segments .
19 In each case they vary by only 0.002 millimetres .
20 Automatic systems usually have an in-feed/out-feed conveyor and sufficient forklift trucks to feed the system — again in each case they are not operating within the crane and storage area .
21 They did find high incidence of eye diseases among local animals , but in each case they concluded that the most likely cause was infection from a common pathogen .
22 Asked about BBC1 and 2 , ITV and Channel 4 , more than two-thirds of respondents in the ITC study said in each case they had not been offended by the channel in question .
23 That afternoon they had already sacked one boy and four others had walked out in support .
24 All that afternoon they waited for the water to come .
25 To console Thérèse for missing the funeral , that afternoon they played a new game .
26 Later that afternoon they left the dairy .
27 That afternoon they both went riding out along the ridge of the wold toward Burythorpe .
28 In that case they got the wrong man .
29 " In that case they 'll keep you longer , taking details The queue goes round you . "
30 In that case they would have had to break the glass .
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