Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] have " in BNC.

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1 Its President , Igor Smirnov [ see p. 38657 for his election ] , said in an interview on March 30 that reunification had effectively already begun , and that the Dnestr Republic favoured a federative structure with Moldova , not complete separatism .
2 So in an attempt to upgrade the tournament and I suspect to make sure that the host nation of the top division is bound to be involved in that division , the number of teams in each division has been increased from sic to eight .
3 Each division has its own editorial , production , and marketing sales staff .
4 Yes , each division has erm , .
5 Each variety has its own different characteristics — a wine may be made from a single type or , as in the case of claret , a careful blend of two or three .
6 I had in mind Vladimir Nabokov , if you 're willing to consider him as an American writer , John Barth , Richard Brortigan , Robert Coover. erm As I say they 're all writers who might come under the heading of , of postmodern meta-fiction writers who do not take for granted that fiction has a , a direct and clearly understandable relationship with society so that it can erm give you a very clear picture of society at a given moment , which was generally the case in the , with British fiction in the nineteenth century .
7 When , on 25 March 1859 , the tsar announced the principles on which Russian local government was to be based in the future , he acknowledged that provision had to be made for involving the public .
8 I recognise that that provision has limited payments to my hon. Friend 's constituents , but it is no longer limiting payments to doctors because , as of April of this year , it no longer applies .
9 Means that provision has to be .
10 has the time in that division has to put in
11 She remembered his scratched plans and his frowning concentration , and for the first time fully understood that all that persistence had been devoted to the cause of breaking into Parfois .
12 That metronidazole has its effect at this late stage of NSAID enteropathy is further supported by the findings that small intestinal permeability is not significantly affected by the treatment .
13 The tatie of course what it says , that vegetable having been traditionally associated with stupidity .
14 The fly in the ointment was that money had been switched from the Department of the Environment which is accountable to Parliament .
15 Two years ago , the Texas supreme court declared that money had to be spread equally between rich districts and poor , and that rich schools should send some of their revenues to the state to be shared out .
16 How is it that you do n't know and in your letter to me you said this trust did not know where that money had been withdrawn at the same time Andrew director of Eastern Arts was quite happy to write to me to tell me why he was quite happy to tell the press over the phone why how is it the trust did n't know ?
17 Would my hon. Friend care to hazard a guess about how many fewer jobs there would be in that industry if that money had not been given ?
18 He was aware of only one pay-out to a salmon farm , and he was not sure if that money had come from the emergency fund .
19 Part of that money had been allocated to pay for pensions and vehicle leases , but now the force will have to find the money elsewhere or face cutting jobs .
20 So er to look at it er another way , w I , I 'll stop before I go back to the erm slides , because I want to show you a few on you know erm er the way that money 's worked over the last forty years , but if you look at index-linked certificates , cos somebody mentioned that , are they worth having ?
21 ‘ The C & D category societies ( the smallest ) have picked up a lot of savings business by offering high interest rates , but that money has to be lent out and the sort of mortgage business they have been picking up at the rates they charge looks very doubtful to me .
22 Already that money has been put to good use .
23 That money has not been declared in the company accounts of Polly Peck .
24 None of that money has been used on the HMI reports — not a penny piece .
25 I believe that that money has been carried forward , which means that funds are available today if the Minister should decide to pay the Axminster practice .
26 That money has been used to increase the number of lay staff , practice nurses and other professionals available in general practice and to improve the physical facilities in which general practice is offered .
27 It will either show he 's overdrawn or that money has been credited .
28 But all that money has not bought enough magic . ’
29 If that money has to come out of the existing budget , then we should , or the Chief Constable , or the Police Committee ought to look at the priorities again .
30 It says , that not only does it save it 's money when it comes to when we 're putting in the tender bids , but actually the profits it makes goes back into the County Council , it has a two- prong saving of averages to this council , and we 've known and seen in the years that it 's been running that money has come back into county council balances , which means that we can have more money to spend on other services .
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