Example sentences of "[det] [adv] it " in BNC.

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1 But the government believes that the penalties have not been high enough and that hitherto it has been the workers and not company owners , the real culprits , who have been punished .
2 ‘ That , ’ he said , ‘ will make it growl — it will fight a lion if it gets that down it . ’
3 If it 's the and that down it he could n't see a blockage .
4 And as soon as he put some funnels and that down it rods pressure came back .
5 that long it 's like that .
6 It dawned on me last season , as we took a first-minute lead over Carlton Town West Saxons , that perhaps it was Fate that plucked pink , 544 , from the hat .
7 If we all did our jobs as well as that perhaps it would n't matter about it being a theocracy . ’
8 This year he would n't even have the fallback option of his sister and her family , something that he always approached with a grim sense of duty and then often wound up thinking , at the end of the day , that perhaps it had n't been so bad after all .
9 ‘ It — er — depends how — um — busy Barney is , ’ she made up as she went along , and with relief was let off the hook a little while her mother commented on how hard Barney worked , and how , if he could n't take his holiday quite as early as he 'd planned , that perhaps it might be a good idea for Cara to stay touring with her , and maybe take a plane to America from Czechoslovakia .
10 That perhaps it 's easier to do in a smaller department , I mean I 've got checkouts , and the majority of my staff are part-time , and I 've only got three full-timers , so it 's quite often the case that at nine thirty , one thirty , five thirty , eight thirty , it 's a case of coming in and then relieving somebody else straight away , you do n't necessarily have the time to spend with them .
11 So I really , what I 'm asking , is that perhaps it could be set out exactly now what stage we have reached , and what the recommendation is as from today .
12 We 'd get three each so it 's just fractions are just sharing .
13 Well I 'm telling you they stuck it they had a sort of flat bottomed cart and they used to stick it in and when they came there they , they lifted it off and stuck it in the ground and it was just similar to that only it was hooped
14 Erm usually it 's the person that does that so it , it 's probably you .
15 But I mean being in the water I had no life jacket or anything like that so it was a matter of trying to keep afloat and er kicking off my boots and getting me overalls .
16 Again , some feedback on the flip chart erm let's give you fifteen minutes for that so it 's coming up to five past twenty past
17 I was I was gon na ask about that so it 's not actually money up front total er or
18 that so it does n't look like a new fence we planted quick .
19 saying you 've got ta train somebody on the list for instance , you 've got to have a specialist to come in and do that so it 's not something you do yourself .
20 I do n't want you to do that so it 's I 've just association wi .
21 like that so it 's
22 But er that so it depends whether you , whether you actually think about what you 're seeing and what you 're reading and
23 but now apparently in most cases it 's very rare with that so it 's got ta be too much eating and why do people over eat
24 That so it looks as though it 's going away .
25 Cos the back end you know is is slightly higher than the front end and we 'd just got it in and the front was about that so it was n't gon na Oh well can you imagine the perspiration there would be ,
26 We are not saying , that necessarily it 's the right thing to do , but it seems to me people are going to do it anyway , are n't they .
27 Well in that apparently it 's very good !
28 But I 'm gon na do it over this so it 'll sort of go funny
29 Right this basically it 's too simplistic , right we know that farmers are more intelligent than the cobweb model suggests that they are , let's try erm increase the sophistication of their , their supply response .
30 No do n't come up I 'll slide this down it 's not very heavy , I just put some bits of stuff in , it 's not terribly heavy
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