Example sentences of "[det] [prep] each " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I hope for a rapprochement between our two countries , which know very little about each other , ’ he said .
2 The Lollipop timetable of one night stands meant that they visited seventy-two venues in twelve weeks ; although they did not venture further than St. Louis , it was exhausting and afterwards they could remember very little about each town .
3 Apart from which , we barely know each other , know very little about each other . ’
4 And do n't forget for each for each of the acids .
5 In the county of Kent , for example , in 1938 the expenditure per pupil in central schools ( in effect , senior elementary schools attempting to provide a serious alternative to the grammar schools ) was only one-half of that for each grammar-school pupil .
6 It may be , as we will see later , that for each pattern the cells have the same positional information but just have different rules for interpreting what to do .
7 They suggested that pupil results should be presented as an attainment profile and that for each subject there should be a very small number of ‘ profile components ’ which reflected the variety of knowledge skills and understanding to which a study of the subject gave rise .
8 How we need to pray that for each new church planted there will be those who understand this need and whom God has gifted for this task : to let the scriptures speak , and through the scriptures to let Jesus speak .
9 One interesting finding of this exercise was that for each age group the age of the healthy person approximated to the individual 's broad cohort group .
10 Thus to prove the theorem we only need to show that for each i , j such that unc we have
11 This procedure was adopted in anticipation of difficulty in obtaining recordings from households on the basic list and was designed to ensure that for each household replacements with broadly similar social characteristics were available .
12 A simple ( yet still surprisingly efficient ) method requires that the number of land-cover classes is known , and that for each class an estimate of the average reflectance in each Landsat MSS or TM band is available .
13 Unfortunately , those four hundred thousand Palestinians lost everything in Kuwait , and erm it 'll be important to know that for each Palestinian in Kuwait there 's at least two or three other Palestinians whom they support outside Kuwait , in other words in Jordan , West Bank and the Gaza strip , so totally the Palestinians who got devastated by this invasion is about one point two million Palestinians .
14 Do this for each hour of the day and do it separately for activity , lighting , meals , and drinks .
15 If you allow this for each garment you will not be disappointed by lack of progress , which seems to cause some knitters to stop using the garter carriage altogether .
16 Teachers are asked to complete this for each child to show their attainment .
17 ( On average we sold about half of each person 's goods . )
18 ( On average we sold about half of each persons goods . )
19 Each half was to operate for half of each day , allowing 50% of the pilots to be off duty at any one time .
20 These cephalopods have relatively large brains and over half of each is devoted to vision .
21 Seeing how low she was , Anthony decided that she needed to get out of the house and gave her reluctant permission to spend half of each day in court .
22 Half of each company 's shares would be sold off immediately and the rest at a later date .
23 And that is , when , I ca n't remember what it 's called , and erm when the sex cells are made exactly half of an individual 's genes go into each , and when sex cells er come together in a fertilized exactly half of each parent 's genes are fitted together , so that 's completely fair , well almost completely fair , because there are a few genes outside the nucleus that only get they 're , they 're in a rather minority .
24 Mr Antoniades required each of them , Mr Villiers and Miss Bridger , to agree to pay one half of each aggregate periodical payment , but this circumstance can not convert a tenancy into a licence .
25 The new plans being drawn up by the Countryside Commission and the Forestry Commission for sites near urban areas , mean that half of each site would be planted with mixed forest and the other half would be developed for recreation and farming purposes .
26 try and get a packet and half of each .
27 In hilly country , horses always like to spend some of each day on the tops of the hills : they need to satisfy their desire for the space and freedom that a hilltop provides .
28 No doubt there are some of each in golf , but not many . ’
29 She watched the other people , and wondered how many years of observation it would take her to learn to distinguish the tarts from the students , for there were clearly some of each within her range .
30 whether he will be invited to lunch with Rose and Phil , and if not , whether to get a sandwich in a pub , or go straight back to the office , send out for sandwiches , and catch up on the plans for the Manchester Marina scheme ; and if so , whether to order egg and tomato sandwiches , or cheese and chutney , or some of each ;
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