Example sentences of "[det] [prep] [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 Caring for him became an almost full-time job because he could do so little for himself ; and it was difficult for Mary and Jim to go out together , especially as her father grew less able to get around , and he needed a great deal of help at home .
2 They gave away very little about themselves in their choice of the first Christmas presents .
3 It 's because people know so little about themselves that their knowledge of nature is so little use to them .
4 He had known very little about himself until he was face to face with death .
5 She made it a point to tell people as little about herself as possible .
6 Each for himself : David Blunkett on the Government 's inconsistency over collective self-help
7 All the different interest groups have suddenly been allowed to come out into the open and in some cases it is a question of each for himself and damn the rest . ’
8 It was each for himself in a hard , competitive world .
9 In this new world of each for himself , the influence of domestic politics on state-firm bargaining has correspondingly grown .
10 I wan na feel like that about myself ! ’ ’
11 He 's not interested in gardens , so I keep that for myself . ’
12 ‘ Nonsense , I must decide that for myself . ’
13 ‘ I could see that for myself , ’ said Charles .
14 Utopia : I think they should decide that for themselves .
15 ‘ You can check that for yourself !
16 It would be a miracle if you could have a clear picture of the total future ( in fact if you could do that for yourself or anyone else you could probably make lots of money as a clairvoyant ) .
17 You can verify that for yourself by running your fingertips ova a slightly rough surface and then stopping .
18 Paul spends most of the rest of his letter dealing with the problem in Corinth ; he does n't come down on the side of being totally separate or of being totally indistinguishable in lifestyle — but you 'll have to read that for yourself .
19 I 'm surprised you did n't realise that for yourself . ’
20 He paused , then added quite gently , ‘ But I 'm glad to know you discovered all that for yourself without my having to tell you . ’
21 Same for y for you , if you if you want to take that for yourself , twenty eight , on to the next page .
22 ‘ Dear Theda , you must surely be able to see that for yourself .
23 It was n't the only operation that went into the shredder at that time — you could figure that for yourself So Arnie went to London and closed it off wiped our prints off everything and I shut down the Langley end .
24 ‘ And if you really loved Kirsty like you say you do , you would realise that for yourself ! ’
25 As for how he first came into my hands , you shall ask him that for yourself . ’
26 Um and erm well anyway the frequencies and er various kind of frequencies of various kinds of activity are mentioned on the handout so you can er you can see that for yourself .
27 One of his main interests was Italian art , but he rather felt he 'd like to keep that for himself , not muck it up with money and degrees .
28 He does n't want anyone to think this sixteen-year-old changed his life , he had to do that for himself .
29 Perhaps Dane will finally realise that for himself now . ’
30 First of all you 've got the blood pressure falls , the body does that automatically for itself mm , mm , the body does that for itself how can we help it ?
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