Example sentences of "[vb pp] down on " in BNC.

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1 Dustin , with darkened eyebrows , oily black hair smoothed down on either side of a central parting , dark sunglasses and Italian gestures , wastes much of his talent in this frenzied , intermittently funny satire on Italian customs .
2 ‘ No , I think it would have been easier just to take his word for it that I 'd boobed , fallen down on the job .
3 Welsh Water has dragged many old-age pensioners and under-privileged people through the courts of Wales because they have fallen down on the odd instalment on their water charges .
4 Erm but I say there , there were a couple of erm objections that came up during the course of the conversation which really resulted because you , you 'd fallen down on the actual structure , but having said that then again there were two or three examples that you apacked and you got through very well and you , you recovered yourself well on that and , and I say really I think that 's er that 's covered most of the bits that , that I felt were , were there .
5 In the Brazil nut , Bertholleria excelsa , and Eschweilera spp. , the hood is pressed down on the fertile stamens and bears only staminodes with nectar at their bases : only a strong bee can lift the hood — species of Xylocopa and female euglossine bees .
6 Tonight the Soviets attend a reception at the House of Commons and another tiny barrier will be broken down on Wednesday when the Combined Services provide the opposition at Aldershot .
7 While fitting the rear offside wheel back on to Miss Clinton 's car , Jenny 's daddy had been called away suddenly to see to a tractor that had broken down on Farmer Pullen 's farm .
8 The Italian team 's French driver Jean Alesi posed for photographers in the new model but was unable to demonstrate the lightweight 644-B 's abilities at the car 's unveiling as it had broken down on Tuesday before it could be taken on a test run .
9 A bi-partisan approach to foreign policy could be maintained in the most momentous ever commitment in US foreign policy , the North Atlantic Pact , but it had broken down on the issue of China even if ‘ the attack of the primitives ’ , as Acheson put it , had as much to do with Truman 's unexpected victory in the presidential election in 1948 and the consequent fury and frustration of the Republican Party .
10 Prior to the Governor 's visit , talks had broken down on Jan. 12 between Hong Kong government officials and the Chinese government on the proposed $16,300 million project .
11 An earlier ceasefire negotiated in Nairobi on Nov. 27 had broken down on Dec. 2 .
12 The talks were reported to have broken down on Jan. 21 over the issue of the withdrawal of JNA forces from areas of Croatia not under UN protection , although both sides affirmed their commitment to the ceasefire .
13 Production day supervisor Bob Hodson illustrated the point : ‘ ICI phoned earlier to say the tanker with the morning delivery of phenol had broken down on the motorway and would n't be here until four o'clock .
14 Central London councils like Westminster and Kensington & Chelsea have cracked down on agents because they face particular problems through large blocks of flats permanently smothered with signs .
15 And Clough has also cracked down on a similar plea from right back Brian Laws .
16 So I mean , er , I 'm I 'm really stumped down on the course , because erm , you know , all all my usual but jokes seem to be here , I mean
17 Unmistakably , though , he has come down on the side of the demonstrators and against Erich Honecker , the East German leader .
18 This time there was no knife , they just got him on the floor and it was just a fist which had come down on the man 's face again and again .
19 Her hand had come down on the spider and it had bitten her .
20 And the committee could have come down on him like a ton of bricks .
21 During August , Russia 's Constitutional Court had come down on the side of Izvestiya and Yeltsin , while the Prosecutor 's Office and the Russian Federal Property Fund had unsuccessfully supported the Supreme Soviet .
22 Now there was some dispute over whether Berlin or Bonn should be the capital , they 've come down on the side of Berlin , but is that dispute settled now ?
23 In a symbolic gesture of the KGB 's demise , the statue of Felix Dzerzhinsky , first head of the Cheka ( forerunner of the KGB ) , in front of its Moscow headquarters ( the Lubyanka ) was torn down on Aug. 22 .
24 I have just sat down on the wet grass when everyone around me starts to move swiftly in the direction of the wooded area just visible through the mist and gloom .
25 She had detoured through the town 's central square on the way home and had sat down on a bench , raising her head to the trees .
26 Descending the stone steps from the station platform , Durham turned up the gas and had just sat down on the bench and opened his bait tin when he was startled by the apparition of a strange man followed by a large black retriever dog emerging from the coal cellar .
27 I 've just sat down on a hairbrush ! ’
28 By the time I was ready ( if it became necessary ) to defend the party , the bear had got fed up waiting , had sat down on its backside and was yawning .
29 Yawning , not hiding it , them an sat down on an ancient easy chair on one side of the dead fireplace .
30 At eleven o'clock the following morning , Buzz sat down on the blue chair by Elinor 's bedroom window , pulled the kitchen timer from the pocket of her navy cotton dress , and set it to twenty minutes : the mechanism began to tick in an irritating way .
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