Example sentences of "[vb pp] even [art] " in BNC.

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1 The program is so well designed even a child could look up all the information needed , not only on how to plant a tree in the garden , but on which type , shape , name etc .
2 He showed some nepotistic , or rather patrimonial skill in getting his sons placed in the public service ; his failure to have amassed even a modest competence of wealth may be taken to argue either extreme probity or reckless extravagance , but more likely arose from having over-extended his credit in trying to send supplies to Ireland back in 1642 .
3 The story of the Borders is largely one of cattle-rustling on a scale which would have amazed even the American Wild West , of internecine feuds as violent as those of Sicily , and of cliques of racketeers who brought into the language the term ‘ blackmail ’ , meaning ‘ black meal ’ or ‘ black rent ’ — in other words , protection money .
4 A great adventure , a fitting enterprise for one who had known herself from infancy to be set apart for some rare destiny , and one that she had thought herself to have pursued courageously , successfully , with a redeeming love that had rescued even the anguished , complex , hostile Aaron , and had saved him from his wilder flights .
5 By contrast , neither Mr Bush 's alleged lover nor any disaffected ‘ friends ’ have dropped even a hint to substantiate the charges .
6 Empty shops and a flight from money to goods is a striking epitaph to a Marxist economy which is granted even the slightest degree of freedom .
7 After Peter explains the equal spiritual standing of the non-Jewish Christians , this is the response : ‘ When they heard this , they had no further objections and praised God saying , ‘ So then , God has granted even the Gentiles repentance unto life ’ ' ( Acts 11:18 ) .
8 Anger was n't something he 'd felt even a flicker of .
9 I really have never felt even a flicker of emotion when I sang the National Anthem .
10 The set culminates in an outrageously zany harmonisation of the famous ‘ O du lieber Augustin ’ , whose adventurousness may well have made even a composer like Prokofiev blanch .
11 In spite of most people perceiving themselves as planners , the survey reveals that in some of the most important and fundamental areas of life they have not made even the most minimal plans .
12 But as I quickly discovered , if any real progress is to be made even the most reactionary views need to be listened to and respected .
13 On pricing , the conclusions which could be generally agreed were so flabby and meaningless that they might have made even the most brazen practitioner of newspeak blush .
14 Storm clouds outside had made even the stained glass windows a uniform grey .
15 But no Romanized townships sprang up ; there were no farmstead villas of the type found in southern Britain ; and the sheer cost in fortification , roadworks and supplies required to maintain a presence in such bleak and unrewarding country finally defeated even the most assiduous empire-builders .
16 The blood , the gaping holes , the bone sticking out of flesh , the stench of burst intestines — I am telling you this only because the effect on me , a boy who had never seen even a peacefully dead body before that day , was one I should never have predicted .
17 Now they were all busily employed in setting to rights the big front saloon — a difficult task , for all its furniture was large and heavy and the carpets had not seen even a brush for years and years .
18 Yet the capricious nature of golf has seen even the mighty Ballesteros humbled in the Championship .
19 as if someone scrabbling desperately for a hold had used even the little frictional grip pressure against the vertical could give .
20 Anything that 's got even the slightest
21 All this did , of course , cost money , but if you 've had even a comparatively small amount of that and then lost it , you do tend to realize how transient the whole thing is and not worry so much about getting it back again .
22 He had treated her exactly as he 'd said he would , and not even for an instant had Kate had even a bat 's twinkling that he thought of her as an attractive woman .
23 The tablets did n't seem to have had even the slightest effect .
24 Had that policy prevailed , I doubt whether we would have had even the INF treaty .
25 But he had skilfully pacified even the most vociferous of dissenters .
26 And there has to be a big question mark as to whether Ellery Hanley is effective enough to be offered even a playing role in the Wembley showdown .
27 For many years , people have been astonished at the ‘ revolting judicial behaviour ’ of the European Court of Justice , whose determined promotion of European integration has surprised even the most ardent federalists .
28 Blanche could imagine her weeping with her son over his confession but , like Marek , she was a little puzzled that Tatyana had not shown even a spark of joy at the revenge he had taken .
29 Although she had never shown even the remotest sign of lameness I was looking at the worst case of hip dysplasia I had seen for some time .
30 My own view is that for readers to be promised even a glimmer of understanding as to the origins of our world and the universe was tempting enough , but the further promise that it was to be told briefly was irresistible .
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