Example sentences of "[vb pp] well with " in BNC.

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1 ‘ They would n't have mixed well with booze , ’ said Pearce .
2 None of what 's been happening to her lately has sat well with her temperament .
3 But I do know some ladies who have done well with parties .
4 ‘ France has done well with reasonable earnings growth , improved productivity , rationalisation , better management , low inflation , low wage awards and strong export performance . ’
5 Arsenal have done well with the former , Liverpool in the past took the latter path with great success .
6 Leeds have done well with ( 2 ) since ‘ 89 and have wisely pursued ( 1 ) in the last couple of years too .
7 from Northern Ireland there 's big Billy Hamilton … he 's an old Oxford favourite … the fans were calling for him on saturday … he 's done well with Distillery …
8 from Northern Ireland there 's big Billy Hamilton … he 's an old Oxford favourite … the fans were calling for him on saturday … he 's done well with Distillery …
9 ‘ I have done well with horses the Queen has owned , I 've had five and all have won , ’ said Clay , who is confident of extending the run with another , Court Circular , bought last week .
10 I 've done well with his tea .
11 Yeah , you 've done well with that .
12 Unix boxes have sold well with DRS 6000 sales up 74% and DRS 3000 up 59% in 1992 and with new business successes in areas like Egypt and Australia .
13 Although this still compared well with other Western states , in May 1971 the Finance Minister , Alex Möller , resigned and his post was given to Schiller , who also remained as Economics Minister .
14 He has had to go into year 5 because of the different age for secondary school here but he has coped well with it and is allowed to carry on with his own level of work .
15 She is an open-minded lady and has coped well with this heart-breaking situation ’ .
16 Yesterday , Grant was out in a van with a loudspeaker on the roof ; the issues he has encountered have marched well with Labour 's national campaign , health in particular .
17 I believe at Glastonbury he would have blended well with the bill : at Finsbury Park he stood out like a sore thumb .
18 The new venture has started well with a range of articles covering the period 1660 to 1799 .
19 1993 has started well with deliveries ahead of the same period last year and ahead of budget .
20 In a first round of voting during the summer , and then during their closed-doors assembly at a secret spot in Berlin yesterday , the musicians came out in favour of a likeable man who has worked well with all kinds of orchestras , and who is diplomatic rather than autocratic .
21 Fortunately , George V had worked well with his father and knew the nature of the current political trends , but he did not wield the same influence internationally as his esteemed father .
22 Mind reading At one of my first-ever children shows , the father told me of this mind reading trick which we found worked well with the children .
23 This particular client seems to follow the policy of staging a shootout or competitive pitch between firms for each assignment , and trying out an increasing range of firms , rather than just sticking to those it has known and worked well with in the past .
24 He seems to have worked well with leading churchmen — such as Eorcenwald and Haeddi whom he acknowledges in the prologue to his laws — and Wynfrith , a monk at Exeter , later known in the course of his mission to the continental Germans as Boniface .
25 Ceolred was remembered in some quarters at least as a profligate , but Wilfridian circles seem to have believed that Wilfrid could have worked well with him ( Vita Wilfridi , ch. 64 ) .
26 The major subcontractors , Cape and Salamis , have worked well with WGEC to help turn the tide .
27 I believe they have proved to be responsible bodies , who have worked well with their Chief Constables and the local authorities their members represent and they are proud of the forces they are providing .
28 And his general background , a useful blend of the traditional and the unconventional , fitted well with NoS .
29 The non-radical and less aggressive values of the women 's movement , second phase , fitted well with the ‘ Laura Ashley ’ style .
30 Fortunately the unit/credit format based on competences fitted well with MCI developments .
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