Example sentences of "[vb pp] only [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Formed only 18 months ago , the Faculty has already attracted a membership approaching 7,000 — and rising .
2 These " cosmic ripples " were estimated to stretch as far as 59 billion trillion miles in space and were calculated to have been formed only 300,000 years after the " Big Bang " ( the original event which scientists believe had created space and time ) .
3 The proposal from National Wind Power is for 15 wind turbines , each 24 metres high , to be erected only half a mile from the park 's southern boundary on Kirkby Moor — a Site of Special Scientific Interest .
4 The Libyan airline had flown only domestic flights since aviation sanctions were imposed in April [ see p. 38883 ] .
5 Mr Hooker has traced only five showing 10 stars : Patricia Roc and Gene Kent , Margaret Lockwood and Lilli Palmer , Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall , Stewart Granger and Michael Rennie , Phyllis Calvert and Ann Crawford .
6 Even President-elect Bill Clinton could not contain his dismay last week after IBM Corp announced that business in Europe was so bad that the company would at best break even in the current quarter — and prescribed only more of the same medicine that has so signally failed to save the situation up to now .
7 In fact , Darwin initially distinguished only six of Gould 's eventual 13 separate forms as members of the finch family .
8 Offices are still heated only half the day .
9 He said that permitted grain imports since March had totalled only 100,000 tonnes , half the normal monthly grain requirements , and " only 15 per cent of our people can afford to buy food on the free market " .
10 In 1990 output at Bom Futuro is likely to have totalled only 21,000 tonnes .
11 One particularly interesting and detailed quantitative study in G. Sankoff ( 1980a ) which so far in this chapter has received only passing mention is the English-language version of G. Sankoff and Thibault 's ( 1977 ) substantial analysis of variation between the auxiliaries avoir and être in Montreal French , as in :
12 In his report to the 65th session of the IMO Council meeting on Nov. 5-9 , he said that the organization had so far received only 63 per cent of the contributions due for 1990 — the lowest figure for many years .
13 Sir , — I understand that the Auditing Committee have received only 100 responses to their technical release on the abolition of the audit for small companies .
14 She 'd received only two or three serious propositions throughout her marriage — serious in the sense of coming from a man of intelligence and sensitivity — and to one of them she had yielded , in a matter of weeks .
15 He had made official representations to many governments , but had received only two replies .
16 The second reason was that the principle had received only limited application during the war .
17 Research should begin in 1986 in two areas that have received only minimal research attention : the education of children in care and the effects of major social , economic and demographic trends on the need for child care and the nature of the services provided .
18 That was about 2 months ago and I have received only one reply , to tell me that they could n't help me .
19 The Press Complaints Commission had received only one complaint by last night .
20 ( This applied to existing employees — new recruits asked to relocate received only one month 's salary as a disturbance allowance . )
21 Bearing in mind that these clients were ‘ at risk of residential care ’ , most received only one or at the most two services , and then only for certain days in the week ( p. 299 ) .
22 This again was impossible to calculate for those theses which had received only one citation .
23 I have so far received only one explanation of what this advisory unit I am setting up is supposed to be doing .
24 At that time adoption with contact had received only scant attention in the social work literature and the so called ‘ clean break ’ approach was still in its supremacy .
25 Would most multiple rapists have received only seven years for such horrific offences ?
26 For the last two years , the city has received only half its average rainfall of four inches .
27 Clark found that around half of his sample had travelled only 10 miles or less and only a tenth 40 miles or more , with women tending to move over shorter distances than men .
28 We had travelled only forty-five miles and had moved into a culture completely different from that of Bangkok , Chiang Mai and Pattaya .
29 Japan has been slow to protect its marshes and tidal flats , despite joining the Ramsar Convention in 1980 ; since then it has listed only four wetlands for protection .
30 Since it joined in 1980 Japan has listed only four sites for protection and one of these , Lake Utonai on the northern island of Hokkaido , is now said to be threatened by secret plans to build a 40-kilometre flood control canal .
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