Example sentences of "[vb pp] out the " in BNC.

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1 Once the inner is up and pegged out the flysheet , made from 190D double coated pu nylon , goes over the top and is pegged to the ground using eight ground points and two guylines .
2 In fact , my sheer busyness had squeezed out the close intimacy I had known with him during the first few months of the year after my operation .
3 In 30 years no band has ever come out the system alive .
4 Now they 've come out the front door and the bus is running er coming down the road so they 're running for that bus , so they 're using up their energy , the insulin level 's there , but the energy level is going down .
5 The Sunday newspaper articles had come out the week before last , and were still bringing in letters .
6 give us time to get dressed , she says oh hurry up now and we 've just come out the bath
7 Erm , and it 's quite an early start so it 's , it just makes it such a late night to for eating by the time you 've come out the cinema it 's erm
8 While he mulled over his future , Rudd gradually sorted out the handling so that by July 1960 the Type 48 was good enough for Hill to put in a brilliant performance in the British Grand Prix , clawing his way into the lead after losing a third of a lap through stalling on the grid .
9 But it has been said before we should have professional referees — the sooner it 's sorted out the better .
10 By the time they had sorted out the confusion and given chase , the woman had made good her escape .
11 And having committed the boy to a day on the rubbish , he could hardly turn me down when I suggested we settle for a couple of hours ' conversation over a few beers , after he 'd sorted out the mess .
12 Once your kit is sorted out the first hour is generally spent getting used to the skis , sidestepping up the slope and sliding straight down .
13 Garin Jenkins has sorted out the front row and the Webster-Reynolds-Stuart Davies back row can live with any in the leagues .
14 Young children may well appreciate this before they have sorted out the relation between connective , mode , and temporal order .
15 Sorted out the test roster and Greg has worked wonders
16 Erm and that 's it we 've sorted out the reaction .
17 I had sorted out the flat really nicely , and had some money put away .
18 Back at the village post office he 'd sorted out the usual junk mail which never made it past the door of the shop and found that he was left with one real , honest-to-God letter .
19 Thrifty villagers had sorted out the best for their own uses , present or future .
20 She had sorted out the reins now and Caspar had explained about just touching the horse 's flanks with her heels to spur it to a gallop .
21 And David Goldsmith has also sorted out the best buys in powder snow equipment , so you are prepared for the exhilaration .
22 Now he had sorted out the technique of using the deaf-aid , he found it wonderfully relaxing .
23 Now , ’ he went on briskly , ‘ you 've sorted out the files ?
24 I 've sorted out the background music , and have moved to frame 61 to put another actor into the movie .
25 Once you have sorted out the distractions like that , you can have some amazing fun re-planning your house .
26 ‘ As far as I am concerned , madame , the sooner we get our affairs sorted out the better .
27 By the time she had herself sorted out the animal was standing like a rock and Felipe was grooming it steadily and expertly .
28 As Sir Bryan had predicted , the weather had sorted out the men from the boys and difficult pin placings had not been needed to tame the pros .
29 The two clubs have obviously sorted out the wide gap between their respective ideas of the compensation Stoke should receive and it 's now become clear that Macari will be allowed to negotiate his new terms WITH Stoke City 's approval .
30 Something that if ever , ever sorted out the bleeper hopefully in future I 'll be on bleeper , and then if that sort of thing happens
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