Example sentences of "[vb pp] were [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The crimes which had been committed were manifestly the work of hardened professionals who had no more to do with the incestuous dramas of this city than Zen himself .
2 As widely scattered were over a hundred thousand prisoners of war or internees , who had to be tracked down , liberated , and succoured .
3 Three measures not previously reported were also collected .
4 She was very genteel , softly spoken and , although poor , kept standards high — her gloves , although well mended were always beautifully white .
5 Previous studies have shown that only 2% ( 386/17000 ) of health care staff being vaccinated were naturally immune to hepatitis B , a figure lower than that found in our population — 5.5% ( 1186/21389 ) — indicating that perhaps most of those being vaccinated are either ‘ low risk staff ’ or new entrants to the profession .
6 The next five craft to be attacked were also generally attributed to Iraq .
7 Married women whose husbands were incapacitated were also treated sympathetically .
8 The better educated were slightly more optimistic about the past ( not the future , though ) in the pre-campaign week but even this slight effect disappeared during the campaign .
9 But those to be educated were still divided into the sheep and the goats , the most goatish of all doing no examinations before they left school , the best of the sheep doing examinations in none but theoretical or language-based subjects .
10 It had been noted previously that certain phonological features characteristic of West Belfast where both Clonard and Andersonstown were located were also characteristic of the mid-Ulster dialect spoken in Lurgan ( as opposed to the Ulster-Scots dialect of Belfast 's northern and eastern hinterland ) .
11 In Ayrshire this July , Systems Three found that four out of five of those polled were strongly opposed to the scheme .
12 Those polled were then asked to rank firms in their industry ( except , for businessmen , their own company ) by eight criteria : quality of management ; financial soundness ; quality of products and services ; ability to attract , develop and retain top talent ; value as a long-term investment ; capacity to innovate ; quality of marketing ; and community and environmental responsibility .
13 The fords at first included were later replaced by some 40 bridges , many of which still stand , and many miles of the original road were in use until only a few years ago .
14 What exercises were included were usually written , and were often the type requiring translation of sentences from one language to the other .
15 What was most disastrous about the educated response to American and British cinema was the way in which good movies or movies that had impressed were conveniently forgotten .
16 The circumstances in which freedom might be won were clearly defined , and Alexei knew that he had sometimes thought that the lowest class in the Empire — the proles , who worked for pay — were no less enslaved and had perhaps fewer rights .
17 and then he 's , he 's fucking started marching us around the parade square and and we ca n't see a fucking thing inside there , and he said er come out a minute , so I 've blinking gone out and I 've noticed were about fifty yards from the beach
18 Here is another of the paradoxes of anorexia nervosa : I must , in my unconscious , have wanted to grow up , but at the same time I was determined not to , because the models of potential adulthood with which I was presented were either repugnant or impossible to attain .
19 Many of the courses presented were thoroughly and lovingly prepared by lecturers from the polytechnics who fought hard at meetings with the officers of the CNAA and its panels to ensure that the school-centred elements in their courses were given due emphasis .
20 They ignored me safe in the open field where the old ridge and furrow strips and the flatter headlands where the plough was turned were clearly silhouetted by the sun .
21 Those visited were mainly devoted to livestock including some good dairy farms .
22 Those animals not ransomed were usually sold cheaply to cultivators or butchers who knew full well the origins of the animal .
23 I think a lot of the current concern about schools being accountable is partly because things that in fact are being done are not being seen to be done , and I think if many of the things that we already done were more obviously being seen to be done , and perhaps also thought through rather more carefully as to how they were being done , the public would feel generally erm happier about what was going on in their schools than perhaps they are at the moment .
24 Lord Denning MR added the further reason that the acts done were too remote to be regarded as furtherance .
25 The paired hepatic and gall bladder bile samples thus collected were immediately transferred to the laboratory in sterile brown test tubes kept at 37°C .
26 The artefacts he 'd collected were everywhere and the cellar was full of old toys and Victorian prams .
27 Before getting down to the fine detail of the schedule and of room sizes , the working party first considered a number of basic principles including the desirable size of wards and nursing charges and the basic philosophies of care and treatment which it was felt were most applicable to this group of patients .
28 The fledgeling organizations — unions , social insurance councils , and workers ' clubs — in which their influence was felt were much too small to play a dominant role in the great strike wave of 1912–14 .
29 The actual stages whereby the financial provisions of the 1947 Act were decided were extremely tortuous ( Cullingworth , 1975 ) and the interplay of forces within the Government , between ministers and between officials had their effect too on the much more straightforward development plan provisions .
30 for example , BBC Television on the evening of the 11 July Day of Action , and the papers next morning , were full of pictures of injured policemen , but the pickets who were injured were hardly mentioned , although among them was a man who had had an epileptic fit , a woman who had collapsed at the rear entrance to the factory and two Yorkshire miners who had to be carried away by their friends .
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