Example sentences of "[vb pp] for people " in BNC.

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1 It is n't prescribed for people under 19 or over 65 , and you should not take it if you have heart trouble , particularly angina .
2 Corticosteroids would not usually be prescribed for people with Aids , since their immune response is already suppressed , but recent reports suggest they can reduce the inflammatory process associated with PCP .
3 Videos and computer games , hi-fidelity television and quadrophonic sound are the sort of toys developed for people with nothing better to do .
4 KS lesions on the face can be distressing , but can be covered with special make-up formulated for people with disfiguring birth-marks .
5 The scheme was intended for people of poor or moderate means .
6 This benefit , introduced in 1984 , is intended for people incapable of work but with insufficient National Insurance contributions to qualify for sickness and invalidity benefits .
7 This service is intended for people who are hard of hearing but it could also help language learners follow the programme . )
8 Intended for people who work in health education and health promotion , or work in other fields but wish to develop their expertise in this subject .
9 The course is mainly intended for people without employer sponsorship .
10 Although the work has medical and therapeutic origins , it has been developed as a regular part of the Medau method of physical education and is intended for people of any age who are in normal health .
11 Erm certainly that that highlighted for people , the the sort of fears that they may have had before .
12 It is all perfectly logical and unambiguous , but not designed for people .
13 Well , what you need , Joe , is to follow my fitness regime — the one designed for people who , in their heart of hearts , with their cigarettes already lit , wish they had more than just two hands to eat with , but because they are also cursed with a love for sport have to get fit the best they can .
14 The Saddlery Courses are designed for people wishing to earn a full time living from making and repairing saddlery or for anyone who just wants to supplement their existing income , as they state ‘ whatever you want from this course , either to earn money or to save money , it is designed for you . ’
15 A new blue-veined English cheese from Millway Foods called Cambridge Blue ( around £3.25 per lb from Tesco , Waitrose and good delicatessens and food stores ) is designed for people who prefer blue cheese to be more ‘ delicate ’ in flavour , though some might find it bland .
16 ‘ In future it will run on Thursdays and it 's designed for people who are a bit shy or who want to protect their anonymity . ’
17 Printers designed for people , not machines .
18 The fact is that most computer stuff is still designed for people who like playing with technology .
19 TECHNIQUEST is designed for people of all ages and abilities — ideal for family outings ( Gran will enjoy herself too ! ) , school trips , and special occasions .
20 This bargain-priced package is designed for people who want to produce basic schedules for a small project team .
21 This study reports a longitudinal evaluation of the effectiveness of community-based residential services , individually designed for people who , in addition to their severe or profound learning disability , have very serious challenging behaviour .
22 In recent years Lothian has been the lead authority in introducing a number of novel facilities specially designed for people with mobility problems .
23 Learner 's dictionaries ( e.g. LDOCE and OALDCE ) are designed for people for whom English is their second language .
24 The definitions contained in this dictionary are voluminous descriptions of the etymology of the words , the dictionary being designed for people with a deep interest in the English language .
25 Six of the properties have been specially designed for people with disabilities .
26 The chicken came in a box and the plastic cutlery , salt , pepper and freshen-up tissue all came in sealed envelopes designed for people with two hands .
27 Much of their propaganda was produced in a popular idiom , such as poems and broadsides , clearly designed for people who might lack the sophistication to cope with the lengthier , more intellectual justifications of Jacobitism .
28 Course co-ordinator Tony Bland said the course was designed for people with little or no experience in the use of media-based resources .
29 You have some choices but they 're pretty marginal , frankly , on the whole erm the choices are predetermined for people erm we are like minnows in a global situation .
30 This question is considered for people who had been in such homes for a year or more .
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