Example sentences of "[vb pp] on [det] " in BNC.

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1 Up to four microphone inputs can be mixed on this unit .
2 A first time garden is usually small and certainly the typical one I am imagining for this series is no more than 40ft x 20ft and surrounded on all sides by other houses .
3 Following Emily in , he found himself surrounded on all sides by sagging shelves bearing rusty paint tins ; jam jars containing stubby brushes ; bottles half full of amber fluid , and oil cans .
4 The site of Castlerigg stone circle in the Lake District is an example , where the plateau on which it is sited is surrounded on all sides by mountain peaks .
5 The village of Villedommange is surrounded on all sides by vineyards which are a continuation northwards of the slopes of Écueil and Sacy .
6 Aquitaine was then surrounded on all sides ( except the sea coast ) by fiefs which stood in a more immediate relationship to the Capetians than ever before .
7 Here there was a delay , for Fiver — surrounded on all sides by the quiet summer evening — became helpless and almost paralysed with fear .
8 Historical and geographical facts were intertwined : the country had been ‘ founded in 1821 after fighting between the Zulus and the Boers ’ ; it was surrounded on all sides by South Africa and contained mountain ranges , and so on .
9 The fact that the country is surrounded on all sides by South Africa is ‘ not a bad thing ’ : it enables 50,000 Lesothan men to work in South African mines , returning with their ‘ pockets bursting with rands ’ .
10 SEVEN STOPS NORTH-WEST of Baker Street on the Metropolitan Line , Pinner is the quintessence of a certain kind of Englishness , an embattled outpost of suburbia surrounded on all sides by the encroaching urban sprawl .
11 It is thus characteristic of traditional mytho-history that the real world of experience is surrounded on all sides by another world of the imagination which is inhabited by superhuman gods on the one hand and by sub-human unnatural monsters on the other : dog-headed men , men with tails , Amazonian women , cannibals , giants .
12 The town , known to have had the status of a vicus , is surrounded on all sides by numerous kiln sites and workshops which are everywhere interspersed with agricultural features and a number of substantial extra-mural houses or villas .
13 In an interview with France ( Inter ) radio on Oct. 11 Aoun admitted that he was surrounded on all sides , but claimed to be ready for " the last battle " .
14 In one sense the shock of industrialisation lay precisely in the stark contrast between the black , monotonous , crowded and scarred settlements and the coloured farms and hills immediately adjoining them , as in Sheffield , ‘ noisy , smoky , loathsome ( but ) … surrounded on all sides by some of the most enchanting countryside to be found on this planet ’ .
15 The woody floras of those forests that are surrounded on all sides by arid woodlands consist of species with wide neotropical distributions and many of them are found elsewhere in a wide range of habitats while few are restricted to montane forest .
16 Below the urethral meatus is the orifice of the vagina , surrounded on each side by small folds of skin called the labia minora .
17 Today , the mill stands on the site of a busy gravel pit , and is surrounded on several sides by large mounds of gravel .
18 Furthermore , the value of a given site is increased not only by the development permitted on that site , but also by the development not permitted on other sites .
19 ‘ Looking back now to the time when the site for these premises was chosen , and realising the state of affairs existing in this type of works , it is surprising to me that this process was ever permitted on this site at all ( being figuratively speaking within arms length of the dwellings ) .
20 Written application had been made in advance , and , except for four theses on loan , all had been collected together for this study either within the thesis area or in the thesis collection area of the Stack , to which access was permitted on this occasion .
21 ( 2 ) On an allotted day no debate shall be permitted on any Motion to recommit the Bill ( whether as a whole or otherwise ) , and Mr. Speaker shall put forthwith any Question necessary to dispose of the Motion , including the Question on any amendment moved to the Question .
22 Llanfranco Dettori , who completes a swift graduation from the apprentice nursery school to the academy of retained riders next season , won on all three Cumani runners at Brighton yesterday .
23 In the meanwhile , England and her king were to live for many years on the reputation won on that autumn day .
24 That hand of mine wo n't go the right shape although I 've tried , I knew it would deform joints and so I put all my efforts into spreading them the opposite way , but I have n't won on that one , can you see ?
25 I mean we want , we want well , to tell you truth , we shall won on that , we won on that occasion .
26 Military officials gave a figure of 48 dead or wounded on both sides .
27 Lydia could quite see Beuno maddeningly getting himself martyred on some trivial point of principle , or overturning a regime with his angelic intransigence .
28 Since its inception , this procedure has been fiercely attacked on many occasions , including The Black Report ( Townsend and Davidson , 1982 ) and The Health Divide ( Whitehead , 1987 ) for failing to take account of morbidity and of social deprivation ( see Mays and Bevan , 1987 , for a review of the vast literature generated by the debate on the use of the RAWP formula ) .
29 We 're being attacked on all sides , quite frankly .
30 He claimed his members were being attacked on all sides — on market testing , privatisation and pay .
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