Example sentences of "[vb pp] with their " in BNC.

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1 Additionally , they could be mixed with their neighbouring emotions so that they formed the secondary emotions of : submission , awe , disappointment , remorse , contempt , aggression , optimism , and love .
2 A hide designed with their needs in mind can be found not far from the car park , and a concrete ramp allows easy access .
3 Another reason why so many women reject the battery of contraceptive weapons on offer at the family planning clinic is that the arsenal has not been designed with their needs in mind .
4 And by the spring of 1910 , in works such as the Portrait of Uhde ( Pullitzer Collection , St. Louis ) figures and objects have become partially fused with their surroundings or with the background .
5 Down on the river front of Old Chiswick , the firm of Thornycroft 's continued to be busily occupied with their boat building , and one of their employees , Mr. R. T. Smith , made an approach to his engineer employer , John Donaldson , who was a good Scottish Presbyterian with strong Christian principles , for a loan of five pounds in order to enable him ( R. T. Smith ) to start a coffee stall in Church Street , in an endeavour to keep some of the other employees away from their regular visits to the Lamb Tap Inn .
6 It is also in the interests of a tyrant to make his subjects poor , so that … the people are so occupied with their daily tasks that they have no time for plotting .
7 But tonight … ’ he spoke abstractedly , his hands occupied with their seductive task ‘ … tonight is going to be something that only two can share . ’
8 We watch him , as it were , standing back rather too obviously from his work , its rhythms and syntax , its narrative tricks and technical effects suffused with their author 's pleasure in his own accomplishment .
9 THE Texas billionaire H Ross Perot is well on his way to becoming an independent candidate for president in all 50 states , thanks to Americans disillusioned with their choice of official party candidates this year .
10 The remaining populace , disillusioned with their rulers and protectors , accordingly greeted the French emperor and his men with less hostility than might have been expected .
11 But after October they rapidly became disillusioned with their erstwhile allies .
12 Others , disillusioned with their colleagues , react with cynicism and dismay .
13 There was no buzz of conversation ; most of the students had scattered with their plates of food and were sitting around eating in silence .
14 This can actually produce those distressing occasions when , for example , a husband and wife are sitting there looking at each other , the dying one trying very hard to get on and die because they understand everyone is waiting for them to do so , and the survivor trapped with their feelings of guilt about wishing their relative would die , whilst at the same time not being able to leave the person 's side in case they miss the moment .
15 The Russians were thrown back ; and although they retired in reasonably good order , some became trapped with their backs to Bossau Lake , in which a number drowned .
16 Investors have criticised last week 's fiscal package and interest rate cut as too little too late and voted with their feet for most of the week by selling out of the market .
17 We asked Barbara to write about her favourite and most useful London shops , and readers voted with their feet by flocking to the shops she featured .
18 They dived from 49p to an all-time low of 40p as investors voted with their feet .
19 BUYERS voted with their feet again yesterday after the Prime Minister 's speech failed to boost confidence .
20 Very recently , some of ‘ our ’ students have , like many of their peers , ‘ voted with their feet ’ .
21 Nineteen farmers voted with their feet every day last year and left their occupation .
22 The two women senators , Democrat Barbara Mikulski ( Maryland ) and Republican Nancy Kassebaum ( Kansas ) , voted with their parties .
23 All this failed ; evacuees voted with their feet , and the drift-back continued .
24 He wore washed-out , balding corduroy trousers wrinkled with their own tightness .
25 Danny and Teddy had to be evacuated with their school and Bridie had found lodgings as near as possible to where they were going for herself and Monica and Michael .
26 The other three Scout squads had promptly vanished with their Sergeants , hastening off into the glossy dark entrails of the city-machine , but Juron seemed content to pause a while .
27 He had heard shots , including the rapid fire of automatics , but when he rushed down to the river-bank the kidnappers had already vanished with their victims .
28 It is the provisional position of the female subject who is still dependent on discourses developed by men and saturated with their prejudices .
29 The pupils at All Hallows have responded with their customary generosity .
30 Observing his success , and that of his Talkin Loud labelmates , the Young Disciples and Incognito , many companies have responded with their own signings .
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