Example sentences of "[vb pp] in it " in BNC.

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1 His body was young , strong ; last year she had delighted in it .
2 fashionable street in the West End of London running west from Trafalgar Square ; a number of gentlemen 's clubs are located in it .
3 Retail companies may want to know the answers to the following kinds of questions : * How far do its customers travel to a specific store or " branch ? * What is the direction from which they travel ? * In what type of area do they live ? * That are their lifestyles and purchasing habits ? * How much of a town or area remains untapped by a shop located in it ?
4 Because my soul , my soul is trapped in it )
5 I am disappointed , he told himself , and I am quite trapped in it .
6 When I tried to take it off I found that Lili had pinned it to my petticoat and I was trapped in it .
7 If the incorrect code was programmed in it would activate a canister of lethal nerve gas which was secreted in the ceiling directly above the door .
8 It is at once the strength and the weakness of Justinian 's law that its grasp of principle is slack : a powerful command of principle had led the classical lawyers to develop a finely worked system ; yet , that done , they were entrapped in it and helpless against its inadequacies .
9 On domestic hazards , he advocated nets over the boxes to prevent dogs and cats scratching in the earth and small pieces of broken glass scattered in it to deter burrowing by rats and mice .
10 It has also been suggested that the clustering or grouping of the water molecules will have an effect on any biological material which is dissolved in it , or which contains it .
11 Water collected from the deep ocean contains gases dissolved in it when it was last at the surface and the relative proportion of these gases depends on their solubilities and their concentrations in the atmosphere .
12 After the temperature of the boiling solvent has been measured , the solvent is cooled and a weighed amount of solute is dissolved in it .
13 Mixed in it were 30 kg of TCDD .
14 The student has his or her subject field with its own knowledge corpus , and is , it is to be hoped , sufficiently interested to become immersed in it .
15 He had studied and pondered the case , and was immersed in it ; he tried talking to both Marco and Eddie , and pursues Marco for the promise that could save Eddie 's life .
16 Charity was included in it too and Mona launched into a short sermon on her favourite subject , patriotism .
17 After all , the postal map of London S.W.1 had been drawn with a special excrescence to enable Harrods to be included in it and thus avoid the ignominy of falling within the outer darkness of S.W.3 or 7 .
18 Joan Waters was included in it and acted as chief spokesman .
19 It did n't cross their minds that the true falsity of the start lay in having Johnson included in it .
20 Included in it were a description and illustrations of the old and deceptive copies of Dürer , Rembrandt and some others , very necessary knowledge to a student , and I can only think these are the cause of its rise in value since going out of print .
21 Relevant , too , to the theme of the Hayward Gallery 's survey , although they are not included in it , are exhibitions of recent or new work by Hamish Fulton at Annely Juda ( to 6 March ) and by Gilbert and George at the Tate Gallery 's Liverpool branch ( to 14 March ) .
22 The British Home Office still takes the line affirmed in its committee report ( 1979 ) that live animals need to be used and the statement of the British Medical Research Council , included in it , that ‘ the LD50 test is the only reliable measure of acute toxicity and yields a result with the least possible expenditure of life ’ ( 1979 : 16 ) .
23 Scutum adjoins Aquila , and was formerly included in it .
24 Almost immediately Philip , realising what an opportunity such an appeal for help gave him , declared that he would make no lasting settlement with England unless the Scots were included in it .
25 Included in it is what is called the uncertainty principle , which states that one can never precisely measure the position and the velocity of a particle at the same time ; the more accurately you can measure one , the less accurately you can measure the other .
26 In Ashbridge Investments Ltd. v. Minister of Housing and Local Governments the Minister had power to modify a clearance order if he was of the opinion that land should not have been included in it .
27 The centre of town 's included in it .
28 you know what I mean , football and things like that , he was always included in it .
29 The authors would welcome constructive comments and suggestions about this book and , in particular , about the various ‘ activities ’ contained in it .
30 When a sender judges her receiver 's schema to correspond to a significant degree with her own , she need only mention features which are not contained in it ( the time of getting up and what she had for breakfast , for example ) ; other features ( like getting out of bed and getting dressed ) will be assumed to be present by default , unless we are told otherwise .
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