Example sentences of "[vb pp] and its " in BNC.

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1 A police station adjacent to the jail was simultaneously attacked by the rebels , its occupants disarmed and its telephone wires severed .
2 The turbocharger is water cooled and its vanes are small to keep inertia down .
3 Once a routine becomes boring it is soon forgotten and its benefits are lost .
4 His missing hand is lifted and its blessing stays .
5 The course of a cholera epidemic , for instance , can be reported and its causes investigated by means of excerpts from documents written by people at the time .
6 If he won a referendum on 25 April , he said , parliament would be dissolved and its parent body , the Congress of People 's Deputies , abolished completely .
7 After the First World War , the Cassel had almost completely vanished and its remnants were absorbed into the Furnes-Ambacht .
8 Attacked , promises General Powell , it will be — once its supply lines along the Euphrates valley have been severed and its men and equipment softened up from the air .
9 While less than a mile away , as the moon came out again from behind clouds , it shone through a window into a cage where an old eagle perched and its light fell across her head and one of her wings .
10 The government was blamed and its tariff and trade policies came under fierce attack .
11 Your file accepts a date ( YY/MM/DD format ) , the angler 's name , the species caught and its length and weight , and also the lure type , size and colour .
12 Oxford 's green fields are being overwhelmed and its historic character lost to luxury developments , while homelessness grows .
13 In our present study , a disulphated derivative of PABA-UDCA was synthesised and its basic characters were investigated .
14 Originally , in 1955 , a select committee was appointed to give specialized attention to the nationalized industries : when a full range of select committees were established in 1979 , the Committee on Nationalized Industries was discontinued and its responsibilities transferred to the appropriate functional committees , e.g. energy and transport .
15 And at moments of internal crisis — such as in June 1934 — the regime was stabilized and its leadership given extended room for manoeuvrability through the surge in Hitler 's popularity and the strengthening of bonds of identity between people and Führer .
16 While Mexico 's political weakness was excused and its economy helped out by the US , Brazil 's relationship with Washington steadily deteriorated and its policies came under American attack .
17 The NRA should be required to justify that expenditure in a public forum where its arguments can be fully considered and its proponents cross examined .
18 The viability of the new product at various sales and production levels can thus be visualized and its contribution to the planned income gap assessed by drawing its graph on top of the existing product income line in Figure 2.1 .
19 The temptation is to view these publications and the exhibition as a proliferation of surfaces which are in a sense pretty vacant reminders that despite the essentially teleological nature of the Situationist project , it is now immobilised and its documents merely a contribution to culture as the spectacular remains of an abandoned revolutionary ideal .
20 The United Front was broadened and its aims made defensive .
21 On Dec. 10 the independent station Radio Galaxy was reported to have been ransacked and its director Félix Lamy kidnapped by heavily armed individuals claiming to be members of the armed forces .
22 The main gasoline engine can be turned and its valve gear operates .
23 A ‘ top-down ’ comment by Holdgate ( 1982 ) also makes a plea for relevant local research which can be applied and its resulting policies replicated .
24 The strategy which controls the frequency , duration and destination is usually set up on a systems availability base rather than being controlled by the quantity of data to be transferred and its " design delay " costs .
25 In this case , Her Majesty 's inspectorate is not being transferred and its role will remain the same except that as a public organisation it will be made more independent of the Secretary of State .
26 Phase I clinical trials have been carried out on healthy volunteers to evaluate the way the drug is absorbed and its potential toxicity .
27 However , Ramsay and some of his closest associates still met and its activities were in fact to provide the government with the excuse to intern many fascists without trial in 1940 .
28 The Luxemburg group was defeated and its claim to the official affiliation to the International rejected ; it became the Social Democratic Party of the Kingdom of Poland , as opposed to the majority , the Polish Socialist Party , PSP .
29 there 's people in the States who have this sort of thing done and its not , its not a problem
30 Musically it 's more in keeping with the spirit of The Jam or The Who than anything Five Thirty have done and its ferocity conceals a highly charged politically-oriented lyric .
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